3. Annoying

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Third POV (M) this means it's Mark's side
Ayo it's Markhyuck for today :)

Mark woke up to the sound of his alarm beeping like crazy. He didn't want to get up but he also didn't want to be late for school either.

He got out of bed and quickly got ready for school, eating the breakfast Jaehyun cooked and left out for him on the kitchen counter.


"Mark you're here!" Taeyong squealed at the sight of Mark who he was already comfortable with.

"Hey Hyung." Mark waved at the older, the two at their lockers which was placed closed to each other's.

"Taeyongie Hyung!" An unfamiliar voice to Mark but familiar to Taeyong screamed from down the hallway.

The two turned around, Mark being confused while Taeyong waited for his hug from his clingy younger friend.

"Haechanie I miss you!" Taeyong hugged the younger omega.

Mark just shrugged it off since it was just another one of Taeyong's many friends and went back to his locker.

"Hyung who's that?" Haechan pointed at Mark.

"This is Mark, my new dongsaeng!" Taeyong then back hugged Mark who was still rummaging through his locker, but not minding the back hug from Taeyong.

Haechan then secretly glared at Mark since he was hogging all of Taeyong's attention and he did not like that at all.

Mark was completely unaware of it because the moment he turned back around, Haechan's glare was gone and was turned into a smile but saw a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Why do I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen today? Mark thought as he stares at the younger omega.


"Ah Hyung I have to go now. Bye Taeyongie Hyung! Bye Mark Hyung!" Haechan then ran away but was forming an "evil" "mischievous" plan to get back at Mark.

"Was that another friend of yours Hyung?" Mark asked as the two walked towards their homeroom.

"Yea he's my other dongsaeng. His name is Donghyuck but people call him Haechan. He's a Junior so he's actually younger than you." Taeyong replied, taking a seat at his usual spot with Mark right next to him.

Mark let out a hm and the two continued on with their day.


It was finally lunchtime and Mark groaned as he stretched out his body, stiff from sitting for so long.

Taeyong immediately got up, feeling fine, unlike the younger.

"Mark let's go already before the pudding runs out!" Taeyong whined, tugging on the younger's sleeve, practically dragging him to the cafeteria.

"Hyung I'll go to the bathroom first. I'll just meet you there." Mark said as they passed by the bathroom.

Taeyong nodded and ran towards the cafeteria since he did not want to miss out on the limited pudding they had.

Mark quickly went in and did his business before running towards the cafeteria too, also wanting the pudding.

Mark went up to the line and saw one last cup of pudding left.

Yes! Mark smiled and grabbed the last one.

But just when he turned around, someone bumped into him, causing the pudding in his hand to smear all over his white hoodie.

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