16. My Mate

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This is the continuation of the last chapter
Third POV (T)

It was the next day and unusually, Taeyong woke up later than he normally did.

Ah! I forgot I'm hanging out with Jaehyun Hyung today! Taeyong smiled at the thought of his Hyung.

Just them, his phone started ringing. Taeyong looked and saw that it was the alpha he was just thinking about calling him.

"Jaehyunie!" Taeyong happily greeted the alpha.

"Hey pup." Jaehyun greeted the omega back. And for some reason, his heartbeat became very known but the omega had no idea why. "I wanted to ask if you want to come over. I figured you would be tired from yesterday."

"I'm ok with anything as long as I get to hang out with Hyungie!" Taeyong excited said. "Will Mark be there?" Taeyong asked. For some reason, he wanted to be alone with the alpha today.

"No he won't. He's hanging out with Jeno later." Jaehyun said with a bitter tone before switching back to his happy sweet one. "I'll pick you up at 12 then." Jaehyun added.

"Ok Hyung." Taeyong said before hanging up.

Taeyong checked the time and saw that it was only 10:56 which meant he still had at least an hour to get ready.

I can't wait to see Jaehyunie! Taeyong happily thought, humming a random song as he made his way to the bathroom.



Jaehyun was driving to the omega's house in peace, singing along the song playing on the radio.

As he drove closer to the house, his nose picked up a delightful scent of his mate.

Oh my fucking god....can it be? Jaehyun questioned, arriving at Taeyong's house.

Quickly walking up to the door, the alpha knocked on the door, desperately wanting to see the omega.

Just in a few seconds, the door was open, and Jaehyun was greeted with the surprise eyes of his mate, tearing forming in the omega's eyes.

"Y-you're my m-mate?" Taeyong stuttered.

"Is that a bad thing?" Jaehyun hesitantly asked, not wanting to face rejection from the omega, also hesitantly holding each of Taeyong's hands in his own.

Taeyong was quiet for a while but then mustered up the courage to place a kiss on Jaehyun's lips, his cheeks going red.

"Does that answer your question?" Taeyong mumbled, looking down at the ground so he didn't have to look at the alpha.

"I'm not sure." Jaehyun teased, pulling Taeyong into his arms. "Can you show me one more time?"

"Hyung~" Taeyong whined, hiding his face in the alpha's chest who was rumbling with laughter.

"I'm sorry baby." Jaehyun ruffled Taeyong's hair who looked very happy but then a gloomy look fell upon his face which the alpha noticed. "Pup what's wrong?" Jaehyun asked with concern.

"We can't be together Hyung." Taeyong muttered, pushing the alpha away or at least tried too since the alpha's grip on his hips was too strong.

"Why not?" Jaehyun asked, fear creeping up his spine. Does he like someone else?

"You're dating my sister!" Taeyong cried out loud, his tears sliding down his cheeks, successfully pushing the alpha away now. "This would break her heart!"

"Pup...." Jaehyun knew he had to tell the omega the news. "We broke up a while ago." Taeyong was surprised at the news since they always seem like a happy couple.

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