10. Hair Salon

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Third POV

As Jaehyun said, Taeyong stayed his first night at Jaehyun's apartment in his room while Jaehyun slept on the couch which he was pretty used to so it didn't bother him at all.

Mark wasn't surprised to see the omega at his home since the older alpha told him about it. He was excited that one of his best friends are staying with him for the time being.

But one thing the two alphas was definitely not used to is how early the omega wakes up.

It was Sunday and to the alphas, that meant sleeping in but for the omega, it was just another regular day.

The omega woke up at 7am since he actually wanted to do something to thank Jaehyun and Mark for letting him stay here. And one thing he did very well was cooking.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he went to the kitchen, praying that the two alphas don't mind him using it (mostly Jaehyun since he knew Mark couldn't cook at all).

Half an hour goes by and Taeyong was just finishing up the last dish but then out of nowhere, a voice called out his name.

"Taeyong....what are you doing?"

Taeyong turned around and saw a sleepy looking Jaehyun who looked like he just woke up.

"Hyung I'm just making breakfast for you and Mark." Taeyong turned his attention back to the stove.

"Pup you didn't have to." Jaehyun said softly, now looking wide awake after rubbing his eyes open.

"But you and Mark are letting to stay here while Noona is gone and the at least I can do is cook you breakfast." Taeyong argued.

But just when Jaehyun was about to say something, Taeyong spoke up again.

"And don't say anything Hyung." Taeyong shot a (cute) glare at the alpha which he sighed but nodded his head. "Now you can wait here." Taeyong said placing down the last dish. "I'm gonna go wake up Mark!" Taeyong smiled, running towards Mark room.

Jaehyun frowned at seeing Taeyong being so excited to wake up Mark or more like see Mark.

Taeyong doesn't like him right? Jaehyun wondered, feeling something bubbling deep down. It's not any of my business anyways. Jaehyun sighed but it still bothered him.

On the other hand, Taeyong was happily walking towards Mark's room and instead of knocking like he usually does, he barged but the alpha didn't flinch at all since Mark was a heavy sleeper.

"Mark wake up!" Taeyong jumped on Mark's bed but not on his body, expecting Mark to wake up except he didn't. "Mark Lee!" Taeyong shook Mark's body.

"Hyung go away it's too early." Mark whined, turning to his side, not facing Taeyong.

"But I cooked food." Taeyong pouted, slightly tugging on the edge of Mark's shirt to get the younger's attention.

"Let's compromise. Let's stay in bed for 10 more minutes then we can go eat your food." Mark mumbled, turning around to face Taeyong. "Cuddle with me." Mark pulled Taeyong down so that he was laying down.

(Guys I also really like soft Mark and both of them are my biases so 🥺)

Taeyong wasn't surprised to see Mark wanting to cuddle since as he got to know the younger, he found out how clingy the younger can act which he didn't mind since he was also the same.

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