5.5 Taeyong's Side

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Here's Taeyong's side as promised! Enjoy!

Third POV (T)

Finally done cooking. Taeyong sighed as he sat down on the couch, turning on the TV to watch until his noona's boyfriend got here.

A few minutes passed by and a knock fell upon the door. Taeyong was too immersed with the show he was watching in the TV so he didn't hear the knock at all. Fortunately Jiyeon heard it from the kitchen and immediately opened the door.

"Jaehyun come inside! Meet my little brother!" Jiyeon immediately said, not even greeting her boyfriend.

Taeyong still didn't pay attention since he was a bit tired but a strong scent of rivers and cedar wood slowly filled his nostrils, causing his nose to twitch in delight.

He then turned his head and locked eyes with the unknown alpha, the two staring at each other.

Hyungie is very handsome. Taeyong thought before her sister spoke up.

"This is Jaehyun, my boyfriend." Jiyeon introduced the alpha, now known as Jaehyun to Taeyong.

"Hi Jaehyunie Hyung!" Taeyong smiled, standing up to walk over to his Noona and Jaehyun.

Jaehyun didn't reply right away but kept staring at Taeyong which made Taeyong confused.

Does Hyung not talk? Taeyong wondered. And just when he was about to speak up, Jaehyun spoke instead.

"What's your name?" Jaehyun's deeper voice shook Taeyong to the core.

"My name is Taeyong but you can call me Taeyongie!" Taeyong giggled innocently before tugging on Jaehyun's hand. "Come on Hyung. Let's go eat before the good gets cold." Taeyong then dragged Jaehyun to the dining room where the food the siblings cooked laid.

The two alphas sat down but Taeyong forgot the iced water in the kitchen for their guest so he went to get it.

Taeyong quickly came back to the dining room and placed the pitcher on the dining table.

"Let's start eating." Taeyong smiled, sitting down as well.

Taeyong then started eating, unaware of the surprised alpha who already fell in love with the food.

"Taeyongie did you cook this?" Jaehyun asked after swallowing his food.

"Yes I did Hyung." Taeyong smiled. "Do you like?"

"I love it." Jaehyun first said before continuing. "It's definitely better than Jiyeon's cooking." Jaehyun said which made Taeyong giggle.

"Yah my cooking isn't that bad." Jiyeon slapped Jaehyun's side.

"But it is Noona." Taeyong added which caused Jaehyun to laugh at his answer.

"Just eat the damn food!" Jiyeon snapped since her boyfriend and brother were ganging up on her.

Taeyong pouted but nodded his head and started eating again.


"Noona can I pleaseeee goooooo?" Taeyong kept bothering his older sister who was washing the dirty dishes since Taeyong cooked most of the food.

Taeyong was asking if he could go to the convenience store which was at least 10 minutes away to go get some ice cream since they ran out at home.

But Jiyeon was saying no since she didn't want her brother to go alone in the dark and she didn't want to go out since she had some homework to do.

The two were unaware of the male alpha coming back from the bathroom and soon overheard their conversation.

"Noona I'll be careful. I really want chocolate ice cream." Taeyong was shaking Jiyeon's arm.

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