12. Summer pt. 2

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Third POV

Taeyong was in his room, getting ready to spend the night at Mark's and Jaehyun's apartment since Jiyeon was actually spending the night at her bestie's house and didn't want to be alone for the night.

He didn't really have to pack anything since he did live at their place for a while and left some of his clothes there. It was like his second home.


Taeyong squealed in excitement as he knew who it was at the door.

Making sure he has everything he needed, Taeyong said bye to Jiyeon who was still home, and ran all the way downstairs to greet the person waiting at the door.

Opening the door, Taeyong smiled and immediately hugged the alpha.

"Mark you're here!" Taeyong nuzzled his head against Mark's shoulder.

"Hey Taeyongie. Ready to go?" Mark asked as he petted Taeyong's now blue hair.

"Yes! Let's go! I wanna see Jaehyunie Hyung!" Taeyong squealed, pulling back and running towards Mark's car.

Mark laughed at the omega's cute behavior and quickly followed him back to the car.

After driving to the alpha's apartment, Taeyong quickly unlocked the door (since he has his own copy after living here) and jumped on the sofa.

"This really is your second home huh?" Mark asked as he started emptying his pockets of his keys, and phone, placing them on the coffee table, sitting next to Taeyong.

"I feel comfortable here." Taeyong answered back, hugging one of the cushions. "Where's Jaehyunie?"
Taeyong didn't see the alpha like he normally did and the alpha didn't come greet him like he usually did.

"I think he's buying food for dinner or hanging out with his college friends. He'll be back soon anyways." Mark said as he turned in the TV and the Xbox, choosing his favorite game. "Let's play games while we wait." Mark handed Taeyong one of the controllers.

"But I don't know how to play." Taeyong pouted but still took the controller in his smaller hands.

"Don't worry I'll teach you." Mark said as he sat behind the omega and placed his fingers on top of Taeyong's to help the omega.

After half an hour later, the door finally started to open, indicating Jaehyun was home. But Mark and
Taeyong didn't know that the oldest entered since they were too busy playing games.

"Mark I'm— Pup?" Jaehyun said as he walked in the living room, noticing the omega's scent.

"Hyung you're home!" Taeyong smiled and stood up to give Jaehyun a hug who happily accepted it but internally frowned.

Why does he smell like Mark? Jaehyun thought, watching Taeyong sit back in his original spot which was in between Mark's legs, watching Mark wrap his arms around the omega. That's fucking why. Jaehyun growled, placing the groceries on the floor, walking over to where the two youngest were and pulled Taeyong out of Mark's grasp and placed him on his lap after sitting on the couch.

Oh my god he's jealous isn't he? Mark thought as he rolled his eyes and continued playing the round, not minding that Jaehyun took Taeyong away from him but rather found it funny how the older alpha got jealous.

"Jaehyun?" Taeyong questioned but got comfortable on his lap since he probably won't be released any time soon.

"We should play together instead. I'm better than Mark at this game anyways." Jaehyun said, reaching for his controller on the coffee table.

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