15. His Birthday

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Update update updateeee Enjoy!
Long chapter ahead
Third POV (Jiyeon)

It was finally the week of Taeyong's birthday. The omega didn't want to do much for his birthday but since you only turn 18 once, you might as well all out. At least that's what Jiyeon thought.

Right now, everyone (minus Taeyong) was texting in their Taeyong Surprise Birthday Party group chat.

Taeyongie's Bday Party 🎉

So everyone understand
what they have to do tmr?

DY: I think we got it Noona

Jae you got a big part in
this so don't screw this up

JH: Ji I won't so calm down

Just like that, everything was planned for the party.

Also I'll be saying happy
birthday to him first

Those words alone left Jiyeon cackling as her phone blew up with texts, everyone now arguing about who would be the first to say happy birthday to the omega.


It was the next day and it was actually Taeyong's birthday. And for once, Jiyeon woke up before her brother today.

Ok you got this Jiyeon-ah. Jiyeon prepared herself for attempting to cook Taeyong a birthday breakfast. If there's one thing she can cook with ease, it's pancakes and who doesn't love pancakes?

After playing everything she cooked for her brother, she cleaned her hands and headed upstairs to wake him up.

"Happy birthday baby brother!" Jiyeon screamed but was quickly surprised to find Taeyong already up, reading a book that laid on his lap. "What the hell you're already awake?" Jiyeon questioned.

"It's hard not to be awake after you blasting music at 9am in the morning." Taeyong simply replied. "Also thank you Noona!"

"Whatever. Just get your butt out of bed and come eat the food I made." Jiyeon said before walking out the door.

Taeyong did what his Noona told him to, of course making a small trip to the bathroom for at before heading downstairs.

"Thank you for the meal Noona!" Taeyong smiled at the sight of the pancakes, immediately eating them followed by Jiyeon.

"So what do you wanna do for your birthday?" Jiyeon asked as the two siblings saw down on the couch.

"Really nothing Noona. I just wanna see my friends today." Taeyong replied. Especially Jaehyunie.

"Especially Jaehyun-ah right?" Jiyeon said as if she read Taeyong's mind, turning on the TV. "You probably just thought of that didn't you?"

Her words made Taeyong's face go red since she was correct about his thoughts.

Just when Taeyong was about to speak up on something, his phone started to ring.

"I bet the biggest slice of your birthday cake that Jaehyun is calling you." Jiyeon said.

Taeyong stuck his tongue out at his sister before checking the caller and obviously Jiyeon knew that she was correct once she saw Taeyong's expression.

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