18. Epilogue

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Anddd I'm backkkk! Enjoy!
Short chapter ahead plus author's note at the end
Third POV

Time skip roughly a year later (after summer)

A year as passed by and to say life wasn't good would be a lie.

"Jae let's get going!" Taeyong shouted from the living room, waiting for his boyfriend who was still in their room getting dressed.

If you couldn't tell right away, the omega has officially moved in with his boyfriend after a few months they started dating.

"Pup calm down." Jaehyun scurried out of their room, grabbing a random jacket to put on as he leaned down to give his "furious" mate a kiss. "I was looking for my phone plus we're not even late."

"But I want to see them as soon as possible." Taeyong pouted, pulling Jaehyun by his jacket and dragged him out the apartment. "I didn't see them in forever because of my stupid classes!" Taeyong exaggerated but the alpha found that quite cute.

Right now, the couple was going to meet their friends over lunch.

"Aigoo why is my mate so cute?" Jaehyun said in a baby voice which caused Taeyong to glare at him. "Ok we'll leave now geez." Jaehyun said, walking up to his car with the omega going to the passenger seat.

"Hurry! We're gonna be late!" Taeyong tried to come off as annoyed but a smile broke out on his face since he'll be seeing his high school friends very soon.

So cute. Jaehyun smiled but immediately started driving towards their destination.

As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, Taeyong quickly ran out the car and into the building and immediately spot his two omega friends.

"Haechanie! Jeno-ah!" Taeyong waved, running towards their table, the two younger omega's also smiling, standing up to hug their eldest friend.

"Taeyongie we missed you!" Haechan said, the two omegas not noticing Jaehyun behind Taeyong just yet. "Where's your mate?" Jeno asked but was immediately answered once he felt his hair being ruffled.

"I'm right here." Jaehyun's voice startled the youngest omega, Jeno already being aware of the alpha.

"Hi Hyung!" Jeno smiled, hugging the older along with Haechan. "Let's sit down."

"Where's your mate?" Taeyong asked once he noticed the absence of Jeno's and Haechan's mate.

"Ugh don't remind me of that bastard." Haechan mumbled, Jeno hitting his side later since he doesn't like swears at all.

"What happened?" Taeyong asked with concern.

"That idiot ruins everything!" Haechan pouted.

"He just forgot to buy Haechanie his chocolate after work." Jeno rolled his eyes at the extra Haechan.

"Are you still mad at me for that?" A familiar voiced entered the store. "Oh hyungs you're already here." He said as he sat down next to his angry mate who wasn't looking at him at all.

"Hi!" Taeyong waved at one of his best friends, not being able to give him a hug because of the table.

"Hey Mark." Jaehyun greeted. "Didn't see you at home for a while." Jaehyun referred to them being roommates but didn't see him for a while.

And as you can see, Haechan and Mark ended up as each other's mates though that was a very obvious outcome.

"Well my mate over here is mad at me but won't let me leave his side at all." Mark jokingly rolled his eyes, turning to face the angry but cute omega. "Hey babe." Mark gave him a peck in the cheek which caused Haechan to turn red. "Please stop being mad at me?"

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