9. Stay With Me

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I'm finally back! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
Third POV (J)

It was the weekend and Jaehyun was getting ready for his weekly date with Jiyeon at this new restaurant at the mall.

As usual, Jaehyun didn't want to wear anything fancy so he just wore black ripped jeans, a white shirt, and a denim jacket on top.

after getting ready, Jaehyun and grab his keys, wallet, and phone and headed out towards his car.

Driving to his girlfriend's house, he finally arrived at her place after 10 minutes of driving, honking the horn very quickly to let Jiyeon know he was outside.

And there she was, exiting her house and walking toward Jaehyun's car, climbing into the passenger seat.

"Hey babe." Jiyeon said in a sad tone, clearly in a gloomy mood.

"What's got you so sad?" Jaehyun asked, backing up the car and started driving towards their destination.

"I'm fine." She mumbled.


"I'll tell you about it later." She mumbled, laying her head on her palm, the conversation ending.

Jaehyun didn't push her into anything she didn't want to talk about and continue driving the two to the mall.

After arriving at their destination, the two alphas exited the car. Out of habit, Jaehyun started to hold Jiyeon's hand but the other alpha didn't grip it back like she usually did.

Because the older alpha (Jiyeon is older) was in a gloomy mood, Jaehyun literally had to drag her inside the mall and to the new restaurant.

They sat down across from each other, Jaehyun ordering for the both of them before turning his attention to Jiyeon.

"Ok what happened?" Jaehyun asked in a soft tone since he knew his girlfriend was in an unstable mood right now.

"Jae my parents...." Jiyeon started to say before her eyes started to water. "They got into an accident." She weeped, letting her tears fall.

It was unusual for Jaehyun to see his energetic childish alpha girlfriend cry but after hearing the reason, he understood.

"Are they ok?" Jaehyun asked, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"I'm not sure." Jiyeon wiped her tears away.

"Does Taeyong know?" Jaehyun asked since he worried about the younger omega a lot since he knew how sensitive and emotional the omega could and something as big as your parents getting in an accident will definitely upset the omega.

"Actually...." Jiyeon said very quietly.

"He doesn't know does he?" Jaehyun fit the puzzle pieces together. It wasn't very hard to read his girlfriend at all.

Jiyeon nodded in response.

"If I tell Taeyong, he'll definitely cry everyday and he would want to leave and visit them." Jiyeon said.

"Wait are you...?" Jaehyun started.

Jiyeon only responded with a nod again.

"I'm taking time off from school. I don't care if I get held back. My parents are more important." Jiyeon stated.

"Don't worry. We'll talk to your professors about it. I'm sure they'll understand why their favorite student had to go. Plus I can just email you your assignments." Jaehyun offered which caused Jiyeon to smile weakly but dropped again.

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