14. Summer pt. 4

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Long chapter ahead also I finished writing the chapters for this book so expect chapters to be released very quickly now
Third POV (J)

It was a very hot Wednesday, but not like it matters anyways since it was summer vacation for everyone.

Jaehyun was getting ready to go to the beach to hang out with his friends. Despite not long hot weather, he actually loved going to the beach because of the cool water. And his friends being there is just more of a reason to go.

He wanted to invited Taeyong but the omega told him he already had plans that day so he couldn't go.

He was worried that something might happen to the omega but he knew Mark was gonna hang out with Taeyong and his friends today so he could just make Mark watch out our for the omega.

"Mark I need a favor." Jaehyun said, knocking on his door.

"Of course Hyung." Mark said as he opened the door. "What sup?"

"You're hanging out with Taeyong today right?" Jaehyun asked which Mark responded with a nod. "Just watch my pup for me." Jaehyun unconsciously said, leaning against the doorway.

Mark smirked and Jaehyun didn't know what why, completely unaware of his words.

"Sure thing Hyung. I'll watch your pup for you." Mark teased, watching Jaehyun's ears go red.

"You know what I mean." Jaehyun groaned, walking away from Mark who was laughing at his Hyungs reaction.

Jaehyun went back to his room and finished grabbing everything else he needed for the beach and put them in a spare backpack.

"Mark I'll be leaving now!" Jaehyun shouted before shutting the door shut.

After getting in his car, the alpha spent the next 20 minutes driving to his destination, meeting his friends there since they all had rides.

Jaehyun parked his car and met his friends at their usually meeting spot at the beach.

"Hyung you're here!" The only omega shouted, waving at the newly arrived alpha, clearly everyone else there already.

"Hey Ten. Hey guys." Jaehyun gave them a smile.

"Now that we're all here...." Yuta said while doing a thinking pose. "Last one in the water has to pay for ice cream!" Yuta shouted before running today's the water, his shirt already off.

This must had been planned since everyone already ran towards the water, right behind Yuta, Jaehyun being the only one left.

Jaehyun sighed since this wasn't the first time and it was clearly not gonna be the last.

"Buy us ice cream later Jae!" Johnny shouted before splashing water at the second oldest (Taeil).

Even though he wasn't the oldest, Jaehyun felt like a dad watching his kids play at the beach and having to buy them ice cream later.

Jaehyun took this time to set up the beach umbrella and the towels so that they could lay down once they're tired.

"Jaehyun-ah hurry up and come in the water!" Taeil shouted from the water, waving at the younger alpha to join them.

Jaehyun quickly took off his shirt and ran to where everyone was, immediately laughing while splashing everyone with water.

Half an hour or so goes by and jaehyun noticed that Yuta was looking for something or rather someone.

"Hyung who are you looking for?" Jaehyun asked, taking a seat next to the older alpha, looking at the same direction as him but didn't see anyone familiar.

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