13. Summer pt. 3

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Third POV  (T)

It was the weekend and Taeyong had plans to go to the mall with Doyoung and Jungwoo. No alphas and mates were in their way today.

Unfortunately, none of these omegas couldn't drive let alone own a car. But that didn't stop them from going to the mall. They just had to ride the bus which was a scary place for omega's or possibly anyone.

Luckily it was early in the day so barely any people were in the bus. Only a few betas here and there.

"Hyung can we please go to the new pet store? I wanna see puppies!" Jungwoo begged the oldest omega who was looking through the clothes at some random store.

"For the sixth time, we'll go after lunch Jungwoo-ah." Doyoung sighed, feeling like a mother to the taller omega. "Wait..." Doyoung said once he realized the youngest omega wasn't asking along with Jungwoo. "Where's Taeyong?"

Jungwoo knew where Taeyong was but didn't say anything since their plan was still in motion. Him asking Doyoung was just a distraction.

"Hyung! Hyung! I'm back!" Taeyong smiled as he ran back in the store, holding a new bag with goodies.

"And where were you Lee Taeyong?" Doyoung asked.

Doyoung didn't like how Jungwoo and Taeyong always wandered off since those two would always get in trouble or they would be in danger. It's more likely that they'll get jumped by an alpha alone than in a group.

"I was at the candy store!" Taeyong smiled, seeing no problem with it. "Jungwoo Hyung I got you your favorite!" Taeyong said as he held up a bar of chocolate.

"Taeyong!" Doyoung scolded. "What did I say about walking alone in the mall?"

"To never do it." Taeyong pouted, his good mood going now. "I'm sorry Hyung."

"It's fine Tae. Now just give me a few more minutes then we can go eat lunch and—"

"Then we can see the puppies!" Jungwoo squealed along with Taeyong who has forgotten about Doyoung's scolding.

And that's what Doyoung and the others did. Doyoung finally finished shopping for new clothes and three omega's were just about to finish up lunch.

The two oldest were actually at their table while waiting for their youngest who was at the bathroom.

Taeyong came out the bathroom after a few minutes after he went in (the bathroom is outside the little restaurant but still in the mall if you know what I mean). But then someone trapped him in between their arms.

Taeyong was confused and looked up at the obviously taller male, clearly an alpha judging by the scent and build.

"Can I help you?" Taeyong asked, thinking that the alpha needed help with something.

"Yeah you can help me with something." The alpha smirked, leaning closer and closer. "You have a mate yet little omega?" The alpha whispered but Taeyong heard it clearly because of the close proximity.

"I—" Taeyong was cut off as a familiar voice.

"What are you doing to him?!" The voice said, coming closer to the omega.

The unknown alpha barely turned around before he was push off the omega, Taeyong breathing in relief.

Taeyong looked around and saw Jaehyun holding the alpha up by the collar, growling at the man.

"What is it to you?" The unknown person complained, not backing off at all.

Jaehyun's next words made Taeyong's heart beat faster.

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