8. Project

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Third POV
Also author's note at the end later

Taeyong and Mark had been assigned partners for a project for one of their classes and today Taeyong was actually going over to Mark's to work on the project.

"Mark can we stop by the cafe before going over to your place?" Taeyong asked as he shut his locker, turning to face Mark who was already done at his locker and was on his phone.

"Yeah sure Hyung. I was craving Baekhyun's chocolate cake anyways." Mark said as he slid his phone in his pocket, adjusting the weight of his backpack on his shoulder.

Then the two started walking out the school towards Mark's car who finally got it fixed.

Mark drove them towards Baekhyun's cafe and luckily it was one of the days where the older was working.

"Taeyong! Mark!" Baekhyun called out once he saw his two dongsaengs from behind the counter, waving at them from behind the counter.

"Hyung!" Taeyong smiled, running up towards the counter, hugging the older as best as he can over the counter.

"Hey Baekhyun Hyung." Mark said much more calmly than the omega who was bouncing up and down, looking at the display.

"Sigh Taeyong you're just like your sister." Baekhyun shook his head at the rather similar sight.

"That's because Hyung's sweets are the best." Taeyong said while looking at the display.

"Yo what?" Mark said once he realized something, but the use of the foreign language caused the two oldest to look at the alpha, looking for an explanation. "Taeyongie Hyung has a sister?" Mark asked which Taeyong nodded in response to.

"She's the one who showed me this place." Taeyong said while excitedly pointing at a certain cupcake. "Hyungie I want this one!" Taeyong whined cutely.

Baekhyun smiled at Taeyong's cuteness and immediately grabbed the cupcake from the display and handed it to Taeyong who gave Baekhyun the money in return.

"Thank you Hyung!" Taeyong took a small nibble but smiled at the delicious taste.

"No problem Yong." Baekhyun said back before turning to face Mark. "And I'm assuming you want a slice of chocolate cake?"

How did he....? Mark thought while nodding his head. He must have had a confuse look on because Baekhyun started speaking up again.

"It's not very hard to guess what you want. You get this every time you come here Mark." Baekhyun said as he handed the alpha the cake that was nicely packaged, Mark handing him the money.

"Well thank you very much Hyung." Mark said, holding the door for the smaller to walk through who was too busy eating his cupcake but waved goodbye at the oldest who waved back.

After getting their pastries, the two finally arrived at the younger's apartment.

"Did you tell your roommate that we're gonna work on our project here today?" Taeyong asked as they went up the elevator.

Oh crap I forgot to text Jaehyun Hyung. Mark thought. I'm sure he won't mind.

"Sorry Hyung I forgot. But my Hyung won't mind. He's pretty cool." Mark said, stepping off the elevator with Taeyong behind him.

Mark unlocked the door and opened it widely so that the omega could go in which he did.

"Woah!" Taeyong was in awe since he thought the alpha had such a cool apartment.

"Taeyong let's work on the project in the living room for now. My room's a mess." Mark chuckled awkwardly since he knew the older didn't like messy things. "I'll go tell my Hyung that we're working here." Mark said before walking out towards Jaehyun's room.

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