11. Summer pt. 1

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Time kinda flies by in this book...oops Hope y'all don't mind that! "Summer" is gonna have a total of four parts. Enjoy!

Third POV (T)

It was finally summer break meaning Taeyong was finally finished with school or more specifically, high school. Jaehyun on the other hand already finished up his school year a few weeks before Taeyong.

Right now Taeyong was in his room, dealing with the hot weather just like everybody else. And since it was so hot, he obviously wanted to get ice cream cuz he was in love with sweets. But he didn't want to go alone. Who gets ice cream alone during the summer?

"Noona let's go get ice cream!" Taeyong screamed, barging into his sister's room who was just laying there with the fan on.

"I don't wanna move today. It's too hot!" She complained while fanning her face with her hand despite the fan on.

"Fine! I'll ask Jaehyunie Hyung instead!" Taeyong pouted while glaring at his sister.

"Ha good luck with that. He's worst than me." Jiyeon mumbled, knowing her boyfriend way too well. "Hell I'll even call him and ask him first." Jiyeon offered, already taking out her phone and calling Jaehyun.

"What Jiyeon?" Jaehyun answered after a couple rings.

"Can we go out and—"

"No." Jaehyun said before hanging up, making Jiyeon consciously swear at her boyfriend in her mind.

"What did Hyung say?" Taeyong sweetly asked since he didn't hear the conversation at all.

"He said no. And if he said no to his girlfriend, I doubt he's gonna say yes to you." Jiyeon let her phone drop onto the side table.

"I don't believe you. I'm gonna try." Taeyong took out his phone and dialed the alpha's number, waiting for the alpha to pick up.

Jaehyun just hates hot weather too much to even do anything. Even if it's you Taeyongie. Jiyeon thought as they waited for the alpha to pick up though it didn't take very long.

"Hey pup what sup?" Jaehyun asked, his voice using a sweeter tone when talking to Taeyong compared to Jiyeon.

"Hyungie I wanna go to the ice cream shop today but I don't wanna go alone. Can you come with me?" Taeyong asked in a cheerful voice, hoping the alpha will say yes.

"Yeah sure no problem. I'll come over in a bit." Jaehyun said.

"Really? Thanks Hyung! See you in a bit!" Taeyong said before hanging up, his sister suddenly interested again.

"Did he just....agree?" Jiyeon was taken back since Jaehyun barely went out when it's hot as fuck.

"Yeah he did Noona. I'm gonna go get ready now." Taeyong smiled, leaving the room to go get dressed.

What the actually fuck? He's actually whipped for him! Jiyeon thought before yelling "Tell Jeffery that I told him so!"

Taeyong didn't understand it but just agreed to replay her message to the other alpha.

After 10 minutes, Jaehyun texted Taeyong that he was outside. Taeyong grabbed his phone, keys, and wallet, stuffing them down in his shorts' pockets.

"Jaehyunie!" Taeyong jumped into Jaehyun's arms which were already opened to welcome the omega in.

"Hey pup." Jaehyun looked down since Taeyong's head only reached his chest, making eye contact with the omega. "You're looking cute as always." Jaehyun smiled, his dimples appearing, also causing the omega's cheeks to blush.

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