2. New Friend

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Third POV (T) this means it's Taeyong's side
Same day as Jaehyun's chapter

Lee Taeyong is a male omega. Who know what else he is? He's also a morning person.

He woke up to the bright lights shining through his curtains, immediately smiling since it was the day they go back to school, meaning he'll see his friends again. Especially Jungwoo who went out of the country for vacation.

But he woke up too early and still had two hours before school started. He then decided to read a book for a bit before cooking for him and his older sister who was the complete opposite of him.

He started humming a random song and grabbed the book he was currently reading and sat back down on his bed and started reading.

After an hour of reading, he decided to get dressed and start cooking breakfast.

He placed the bookmark back in and closed his book, placing it back in his dress as he got up to get dressed.

He continued humming the same song as he rummaged through his closet, pulling out a beige cream hoodie and black jeans.

He continued humming the same song as he rummaged through his closet, pulling out a beige cream hoodie and black jeans

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He stripped out his pajamas and quickly wore his new attire. And before he left his room, he grabbed his bag, his phone, his keys, and lastly a dark green jacket for later since the weather was still slightly cold and the omega loved to stay warm.

I should wake up noona or else she'll never wake up. Taeyong giggled at his own thought, knowing how his sister acts, especially in mornings.

He walked over to his sister's room and opened the door, not bothering to knock on the door since she'll probably just ignore it.

"Noona wake up." Taeyong lightly nudged Jiyeon's shoulder but quickly backed away before her hand came flying towards his face, luckily missing him.

"Go away Taeyong. It's too early to wake up when it's vacation." She muttered, going back to sleep.

"But Noona vacation is over." Taeyong pouted as he tried to wake her up again.

"Lee Taeyong if you don't leave right now, I'll rip every single plushie on your bed. And that's a promise." She said in a stern voice but her eyes were still closed.

Taeyong gasped and immediately left the older's room, not wanting her to rip his precious plushies.

I'll still cook her breakfast even though she threatened me with my plushies. Taeyong went downstairs and started preparing their breakfast.

Without even knowing it, another half an hour flies by and Taeyong finally finished cooking, placing everything he cooked on the table.

Finished! Now to— Taeyong's thoughts were soon disrupted by a frantic looking Jiyeon who was currently wearing one of his hoodies with her brown hair in a bun and her bag in her hand.

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