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Art Credit To: kb20xx on Tumblr


Happy Together - Cover by Gerard Way and Ray Toro

Paired With

Sure and Certain - Jimmy Eat World

Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ ①①: Ⓕⓤⓝⓗⓞⓤⓢⓔ  Ⓜⓘⓡⓡⓞⓡⓢ

I could feel warmth surrounding me, I was pressed up against somebody. I pressed up closer to them, putting my head on their chest. They continued to pull me closer, I could feel them smiling into my hair. We continued laying there for a few minutes, until I could hear them stirring.

"Good morning, (Y/N). You awake?" Hajime yawned, clearly having just woken up.

I just made a small sound, signaling my consciousness. He removed his arms from around me, losing the feeling from warmth. I whined, sitting up in the bed.

"I don't have any of your clothes, but Benji's fit you fine, so you can wear mine until tomorrow!" he handed me a stack of clothes, I changed in the bathroom as he changed in his room.

When I came back, his face had a pink hue across it. We were completely matching in outfit, but my tie hung much lower and was much looser. I didn't know how to tie a tie, so I tried my hardest. Before leaving, he kissed me on the forehead, holding my hand as we walked.

Breakfast wasn't interesting, Nekomaru and I talked for a little while, I pushed the food around on my plate, and Monomi came in to tell us she beat the Monobeast on the 4th island. Wait, she did? That bunny was so surprising to me.

The entire group of us decided to explore together, thinking it would be safer than if we all explored individually. Everyone was still pretty quiet, the actuality of getting off this island alive continued getting slimmer and slimmer by the day.

The fourth island seemed pretty packed, there was a small house, a roller coaster, a giant castle connected to an amusement park, and a tall tower in the background of which I couldn't make out. The group of us split into smaller groups. We were splitting into pairs, Nagito and I got paired up. He had an odd demeanor, and didn't seem total sane, but I was fine with working with him. Of course, I was the only one who was fine with working with him.

The two of us started at the house looking area, it appeared to be very pink and girly. It didn't really fit anyone's personality, so it would be difficult for it to be a students house. We assumed it to be Monomi's, looking around to see a bunch of monitors.

"Gh, that's a bit creepy... keeping tabs on all of us... all the time..." I looked around at the screens, seeing one with me and Nagito on it.

"You're observant! The true talent of the Ultimate Average Student!"

"Stop calling me that, you know I'm not an ultimate... "

"You just have a talent for it. Even trash like me can see it!" he laughed, but got cut short by Monomi.

"Hey! You two can't be in hewe! Pwivate pwopewty!" Monomi ushered us out, I tripped and fell down the stairs.

"Haha, that was awkward. Let's continue..." Nagito walked past me, I huffed as I pushed off of the ground.

Ordinary Pair // Hajime Hinata X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now