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Art Credit To: dead-ghouls on Tumblr


When I Come Around - Green Day

Paired With

Give 'Em Hell, Kid - My Chemical Romance

Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ ⑧: Ⓖⓤⓘⓣⓐⓡ  Ⓗⓔⓡⓞ

I blinked my eyes open, I felt much better than I had the previous night. I couldn't remember too much, but my room was freezing cold. I realized I was on my bathroom floor, and pushed myself up. My world was spinning as soon as I stood up, I shivered as I got ready.

I kept stumbling as I changed and got ready, I forgot to do some of the buttons on the shirt. At least I didn't feel as awful as I had last night. 

I left my cabin, I knocked on Hajime's door. I smiled as the boy opened his door. He looked me up and down, blushing as we saw the open buttons on my shirt. I looked down at my shirt, face flushing before I quickly buttoned them back up.

Hajime cleared his throat before speaking, "Hey, (Y/N), are you feeling any better?"

"Not by much, but I guess so!"

"Do you want to go to Mikan? She might know what's wrong?"

"I think I'll be fine, let's go to breakfast..."

He exited his cabin, shutting his door. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. I turned red by the action, but didn't move away. I looked up to see his face was also light pink, but we just made our way to the hotel restaurant.

I sat down at a table with Nagito, Hajime following close behind. Nagito made continuous comments on me being average, and how interesting it was. I shrugged him off and looked around the room, I saw Hiyoko step away from something.

There appeared to be candles and animal skulls surrounding a board with pictures of Mahiru on it. It looked a bit creepy, but we all cope differently. It was clear Hiyoko put a lot of work into it, so I wouldn't make her more upset than she already was.

Monomi came into breakfast, claiming she beat the Monobeast on the 3rd island. I wondered how the small pink bunny did anything. She was weak and fragile.

"Hey, (Y/N). Do you want to go around the island?" Hajime stood up from the table, clearly wanting to be away from Nagito.

I stood up from the table, "Sure, let's go!"

We got up and left the hotel, making our way to the 3rd island. We just continued laughing and joking as we made our way around the island. The first place we went into was the hospital, it was clean and white- though a bit creepy. Hajime noted it as well, joking how it felt like a horror movie.

From there we went to the building labeled Titty Typhoon, which appeared to be a music venue. Ibuki was standing in there, looking around. We looked around a little, there appeared to be a bar, but we obviously weren't allowed to use it.

We walked out, the sun beating down on us as we continued around the island. We next went to the motel, though there was very little there. It was quite boring.

Ordinary Pair // Hajime Hinata X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now