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Art Credit To: mandi0pan on Tumblr


Teddy Picker - Arctic Monkeys

Paired With

Night's Like These (80's Mix) - Bears In Trees

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"Good Morning You Guys! It's Another Perfect Tropical Day! Let's Enjoy It For All It's Worth!"

I woke up to the monitor in my room blaring the voice of Monokuma. I groaned, making my way to the bathroom, I was already sick of this island.

I showered and got dressed, the collared shirts in the drawer were quite large on me; the pants were also quite large. I brushed out my hair, and out on a little bit of makeup. It wasn't a lot, but getting fully ready calmed my nerves.

I heard a knock on my door as I put my shoes on, the black Converse didn't totally match my outfit- but what can you do? I skipped over to the door, opening it. The same girl with light blonde hair and green dress was standing there.

"Hi there!" I greeted her.

"Hello. I'm Sonia Nevermind! Byakuya requested all of our presence in the lobby!"

"Ah. I hope I'm not late!"

"Oh, quite the opposite, you're the first person I came to get!" She linked her arm with mine, and we made our way to the hotel lobby.

We unlinked arms and got some food from the tables, sitting down at a table. We continued talking and eating as more people filed into the room. I started to learn all of their names, but it took a minute to connect them to faces.

A small group of people, including myself, were gathered around Akane Owari as she was shoveling pancakes into her mouth.

"Water! Water! Water!" Akane yelled.

Hiyoko ran and got a cup of water, moving it around as Mahiru tried grabbing it. I took it from the girls hands, giving it to Akane. She drank the entire thing within a few seconds.

A tall man in a white suit, I think his name was Byakuya, yelled out for us to pay attention. I returned my attention from the group, looking at Byakuya.

He explained the need for a leader, and volunteered himself. Mahiru protested, much to her loss. Byakuya was our leader.

He took us around the island, and explained rules to all of us. I was quite bored throughout the entire thing, not remembering any of the rules that he had explained.

The rest of the day lulled along, I hung out with Sonia, Mikan, and Ibuki for the rest of the day. I later returned to my cabin- very ready to just go to sleep. I changed into one of the basketball jerseys, falling asleep as soon as my head had hit the pillow.


I woke up to the same scratchy voice from the monitor, covering my head with the pillow. I sighed, following the same routine as the previous morning. I sighed as I brushed out my hair in the mirror.

Ordinary Pair // Hajime Hinata X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now