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Art Credit To: Freeze.thewind on Pixiv


Dumb - Nirvana

Paired With

Brighter - Paramore

Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ ①⑦: Ⓢⓣⓞⓛⓔⓝ Ⓒⓡⓞⓦⓝ

Morning came again, I was still pressed against Hajime's chest, his arms still wrapped around me. The morning announcements were going on in the background, I looked up to see Hajime's olive eyes.

He kissed my forehead, getting out of the bed. I pulled the blankets back around me, trying to continue staying warm. I could hear the shower turn on, and turn off a few minutes later. There were a few sounds of Hajime shifting around, getting ready for the day.

The bathroom door opened again, his footsteps approaching the bed again. He leaned down, placing light kisses around my face. I giggled each time he did, wrapping my arms around me. He pulled back, my arms falling back onto the bed.

"Good morning (Y/N), you need to get up..."

"Noooooo..." I grumbled, finally throwing the blanket off of me.

"There we go. Monokuma came by early this morning, he dropped that off," Hajime pointed to a (color) dress slung over the couch. I looked at it surprised and confused by the action. I picked it up, and left it in the bathroom.

I finished changing and getting ready, the (color) dress was soft and went down to my knees. I smiled as I left the bathroom, lacing up my shoes. I looked up to Hajime, his face was covered in a light pink blush. He shook it off, holding my hand as we left his cabin.

At breakfast, the 6 of us all sat at one table. Sonia complimented me over and over again, making my face heat up constantly. She was kind, if not a bit over the top. This breakfast felt close and friendly, as if we were closer than ever.

"There's not another by any chance, right?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

"Nah, I doubt it. I'm assumin' we'll have to wait 'till Monokuma tells us to do somethin'," Kazuichi frowned, the rest of us going silent.

"What if we were to do things normal high-schoolers do? Like an all girls day! Fo sho!" Sonia cheered.

"That's an amazing idea, Miss Sonia! Isn't Miss Sonia amazing?" Kazuichi seemed in a trance.

"Your delusions of grandeur are more than unnatural, Kazuichi. But, it is a good idea, we should split into our small groups of girls and guys!" I slung my arm around Sonia.

And so we did, Sonia, Akane, and I left the hotel. We were looking for anything to do, anything to take our minds off of the boredom. As much as I was happy to still be alive, I couldn't help but feel some form of longing. There being a few of us wasn't as interesting as when we had everyone else.

Even though the two girls beside me had bad previous experiences, we decided to go to the movie theater. Sonia had convinced us, as there were mystery movies that she wanted to see. We simply went with her, agreeing to do whatever she wanted.

Ordinary Pair // Hajime Hinata X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now