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Art Credit To: Korosenai 39 on DeviantArt


With David Bowie - Veruca Salt

Paired With

Spiderwebs - No Doubt 

Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ ⑤: Ⓝⓔⓦ Ⓢⓣⓐⓡⓣ

I rubbed my eyes as the light shone through my blinds, I guess I had forgotten to close my curtains last night. The morning announcements hadn't gone off yet- so I assumed it was still pretty early.

I got into the shower, the water hitting against the curtain- the soft sounds were soothing- especially after the previous day. I finished my usual routine, deciding on blue eyeshadow today, not that it mattered. I heard the morning announcements go off as I was putting my shoes on.

I left my cottage, and made my way back to the inside of the hotel. There wouldn't be good food, I knew that for sure. The room was empty, except for Nagito sitting at one of the tables. His plate seemed empty, as if nothing was on it to begin with. He looked up as my footsteps approached the room.

"Good morning (Y/N). Not that you would want to be greeted by trash like me..."

"Eh, you don't need to put yourself down. Sure, the trial was odd, but overall you seem fine. What's for breakfast?"

"I can't be too sure, I'm so incomptenet..."

"Y'know what. You want something, I'll make something real quick!" I walked into the kitchen, the boy following close behind.

"What do you plan on making?"

"French Toast, I'm pretty good at it too! I'm good at baking and sweets, but actual cooking is difficult," I laughed, grabbing stuff from the pantry.

"I'd say I would help, but you probably don't want trash like me helping you..."

"I don't mind, it'd be great if you wouldn't mind helping!" I smiled, setting the stuff down on the counter.

We spent about half-an-hour making french toast, giving it to the other students as they had come in. Nagito had left, and left me on my own in the kitchen.

"Hey, Nagito. Have you seen (Y/N), I tried going to her cabin but she wasn't there?" Hajime's voice came from the doorframe, "Oh, there you are! Sorry, thought Nagito was still in here!"

"Oh, no. Just me now, he was helpful though. Funny watching him try to cook!" I giggled, handing him a plate- I grabbed one and followed soon after. I saw his face frown for a second, but it quickly faded.

We sat down and ate breakfast, Nagito monologuing in the background. Hajime seemed annoyed by it, but we both tried ignoring it.

Breakfast finished, the chatter died down and I could make out Monomi's voice in the background. I turned my attention to the pink bunny, as no one else did.

"Attention evewyone! I was abwe to defeat the Monobeast on the Second Iwand! Go check it out!" her soft voice left along with her.

We all dispersed, and I made my way to the 2nd island, there were a few more buildings scattered around. A pharmacy, a library, a diner, a beach labeled "Chandler Beach", a house that was unlabeled, and a small area heavily covered in vines and foliage. I wanted to go over to the wooded area, but I was never much for the outdoors so I made my way to the diner.

Ordinary Pair // Hajime Hinata X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now