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Art Credit To:  hadahadam on Twitter


I'm With You - Avril Lavigne

Paired With

When They Call My Name - Black Veil Brides

Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ ⑨: Ⓒⓞⓛⓓ  Ⓗⓐⓝⓓⓢ

The morning announcement went off as I opened my eyes, blinking back the sunlight. I stood up, noticing I was still in my clothes from the previous night. I sighed, not knowing where I was. I felt cold as soon as I had woken up.

"Hey, you ok?" I spun around to see Hajime tying his tie. His face was an odd mix of happiness and concern, "You look pale..."

"I'm fine, thanks for asking! How'd I end up here?"

"You fell asleep at the music venue, and I couldn't get your cabin door open. You were on the couch, don't worry!" he smiled, finishing with his tie, "Nekomaru had to be taken to the hospital, I'm kinda surprised you never woke up..."

"Yeah, me too..." I grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. He didn't object to the action. We walked to breakfast together.

Akane was crying, and Nagito and Ibuki seemed a bit damented. They didn't look ok. I realized that my head was pounding, and that the room was freezing. Other than that I felt fine..?

Hajime and I had sat down at a table, and I moved into hugging the boy. He was warm and soft, and I wanted to stay there forever.

"(Y/N), you gotta move... this is highly... uncomfortable!" he tried moving me, though I stayed hugging the boy. He maneuvered around me, trying to function.

I kept moving closer and closer to the boy, practically sitting in his lap. He continued shifting, moving farther from me.

"What's up with you? You're not one for this close of contact!" He whispered as I laid my head on his shoulder, he was safe and warm.

"Good morning urcine! As I've gotten bored I've given out another motive!" I shifted my attention to the bear, Hajime moving slightly away from me. I whined, the warmth and safety of him was gone.

"It's called the Despair Disease, creepy, right? Some of the lovely students here have contracted it! Nagito got the liar disease. Ibuki with the gullible one. Akane is stuck as a coward. And last, and also least, (Y/N) contracted the clingy disease!"

I nodded not paying much attention. Though, I never noticed my head hitting against the table, blacking out for the 3rd time on this island.


I opened my eyes to see a plain white room, a curtain separating 2 areas. I blinked at the bright light, the room was cold. I coughed, gagging as I did. I could hear shuffling as I continued coughing.

Mikan came into the area a few seconds later, a concerned look on her face. Her footsteps echoed on the tile floor, though the sound was cut short. She took my temperature, frowning at the numbers on the small screen.

Ordinary Pair // Hajime Hinata X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now