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Art Credit To: dead-ghouls on Tumblr


Sleeping Powder - Gorillaz

Paired With

Welcome To Paradise - Green Day

Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ ②: Ⓢⓘⓝⓚ Ⓞⓡ Ⓢⓦⓘⓜ

My eyes fluttered open, looking up to a bright blue sky. My hands gripped the ground beneath me, a grainy material fluttering through my fingers.

I sat up, looking around me, I was for sure on a beach. I stood up, dusting my white skirt off. I had no clue what was going on, and had to figure it out. I stood up,

"Hey, do you know where we are?" a voice called out behind me, I turned my head, locking eyes with a brown haired boy. His hair appeared to stand up in spikes, almost as if it was always gelled up.

"Huh? Oh, no, sorry. Who are you?" I stuck my hand out to the boy, he was hesitant, but shook it.

"Hajime Hinata, what's your name?"

"(F/N)(L/N). A girl earlier said something about ultimates, I think. What's yours?" I smiled, feeling a bit awkward in the situation.

"I, well I can't really remember right now. What's yours?" He scratched the back of his neck, seeming upset by it.

I guess I shouldn't have been taken aback, but I was by the question, I figured it was better to tell the truth, not having to explain it later, "Well, I don't have one. I'm kinda just here," I shrugged

"Let's explore the island, huh, (Y/N)?" His smile was adorable, and I could feel my face turn pink. I'm glad he shrugged off my averageness.

"Sure, maybe we'll find someone else!" I cheered, walking along the beach with him.

We walked for a while, it was slightly awkward, but Hajime and I got along pretty well. We reached a large grouping of people all standing in a crowd together. There were a lot of bright hairs standing out.

"Hey, hey. Ibuki notices 2 more faces!" a loud girl with choppy black hair bounced up to us, "what's your name?" she directed her attention to me.

"Oh, (F/N)(L/N), and this is Hajime Hinata. What's your name?"

"Ibuki Mioda, Ultimate Musician! I'm so lucky to have another cute girl here!" she hugged me, causing my face to heat up. She bounced away again, leaving us both shocked again.

Some girls' voices yelled something about swimming, a murmur of agreement through the crowd. We all dispersed, finding stuff to swim with. Eventually the group came back together, ready to swim.

Most of the girls wore 1 piece suits, including myself. A girl with light blonde hair was wearing a full wetsuit, I respected her for that. A man with long pink hair looked disappointed by that, but dived right into the water.

A few girls went in, leaving me and a girl with short pinkish-brown hair. I stuck my hand out to her, she shook it softly.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N)!"

Ordinary Pair // Hajime Hinata X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now