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Art Credit To: Spike Chunsoft 


No Rain - Blind Melon

Paired With

The Anthem - Good Charlotte 

Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ ①: Ⓢⓤⓡⓟⓡⓘⓢⓔ

"I'll be seeing ya, (Y/N), have a good day at school!" my brother, Benji, smiled and left the house.

He got accepted to Hope Peaks Academy as the Ultimate Basketball Pro, he's been great at sports for as long as I can remember. Hell, his first word was "basketball", at least according to my mom. He was a bit thick in the skull, but he got a full ride scholarship to Hope's Peak. I'm the one that didn't.

Not that it mattered much to me, but Mom and Dad weren't that happy about it, they always wished for me to be a musical prodigy- so we'd be opposite siblings. I never took much to music, though. It always seemed to bore me.

I sighed, pushing the cereal around in my bowl. I dumped it in the sink, the milk splashing up against the metal. I sighed again, wiping it off my arm with a paper towel.

"Good morning, sweetie! Has Benji already left?" she picked up her coffee mug, turning on the machine. The low buzzing of the machine ringing throughout the kitchen.

"Yeah, only a few minutes ago but his bus has left by now..." I scanned the counter, looking for my lunch bag. I didn't find mine, but found his bag on the counter.

"You could have gone to Hope's Peak as well, you were great at piano. If you worked a bit harder, you would've gotten in for sure," She sighed, always trying to guilt me into something.

"I'm not too sure what you want me to say, I really wasn't that great. I was kinda just average, Mrs. Williams told you that."

"(Y/N), I know you better than anyone else. You just need to put work in, put a bit more effort in. I've been telling you this since you were 4."

"I try my hardest, I just can never get it. I aced math last year, but you only focused on Benji. It's always him. Benji, Benji, Benji!" I frowned, putting the bowl in the cabinet.

Mom brushed me off, returning to her coffee. It finished and she started walking away, she stopped, pointing to the lunch bag on the counter.

"Did he leave that? He never was the brightest. You mind bringing that to the front office for him?" She waved her hand, dismissing me.

Even now, she wanted me to do something for him. I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I grabbed his lunch, stuffing it into my bag. I was fine with being late to my first day, my school was boring. Leaving the house, I made my way to his bus stop, waiting by the tall sign.

The bus came, and I got on. I didn't make eye contact with anyone in fear of making conversation. The ride went surprisingly slow, guess they didn't have enough money for good buses. I sighed, leaning my head against the back of the chair. There was chatter filling the bus, luckily no one cared enough to sit with me.


Apparently the bus driver hated his job, because he slammed on the brakes. My face rammed into the back of the seat in front of me, leaving my cheek red. I rubbed it, hoping it would go away.

I smoothed my hair, standing up out of the chair. I pushed my way out of the bus, the stuffy environment was annoying to me. The fresh air was nice, not as thick. People dispersed through the area, some going into the school and others just leaving the area.

I made my way to the office doors, students could go right in, visitors had to be questioned or examined.

A girl with grey eyes, short black hair, and freckles greeted me, "Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy, how may I assist you today?" Her voice was quite monotone, and not welcoming at all.

"I need to bring something to my brother, he left it at home."

"Go ahead in."

"Oh, he told me I'd need to be examined or something."

"You're a 16 or 17 year old girl, you're twiddling your thumbs and your voice is shaky. I doubt you do harm," She rolled her eyes, returning to the computer.

I clicked my tongue, making my way to the hallway in the school. There weren't as many people as I had expected, and they were quite spread out. I could immediately make out cliques, there were jock looking kids, nerdier ones, and some that were more gothic. I looked exceptionally ordinary compared to them, they all looked glowing.

Benji was in classroom 2A, so I assumed it had to be on the 2nd floor. I wouldn't waste my time on the first floor. I still had to get to my school after all. I climbed the stairs, making my way around the classrooms.

I roamed the hallways for a while, not finding the proper classroom. God, this school was huge. I made my way back to where I had started, confused out of my mind.

I turned around, coming to the classroom I had needed. How had I not thought about that? That was bad on my part.

I brought my hand up to knock on the door, just as I was about to knock, the door flew open. I stumbled backwards, shocked by the sudden interaction.

"Hey, you must be the last student! We've been waitin' for ya!" a girl with a white collared shirt and red skirt held out her hand.

"I- I'm not-" I got pulled by my shirt into the room. Everyone in there was brightly colored and interesting.

"So, what's your ultimate?" the girl who pulled me in the room questioned, she looked super excited.

"I ,um- well."

"I get it, it's a secret; probably something really cool!" she jumped up and down.

My eyelids felt droopy, I tried brushing it off and tried leaving the room- completely forgetting about the lunch bag. My legs started feeling super heavy as well, and I could barely walk. I got to the door frame before collapsing onto my knees. 

. . . . . . . . . .

I want to thank you for taking the time to read this chapter, it means a lot to me. I hope you continue to read and enjoy this book!

Word Count: 1089

I hope you have a great day,


Ordinary Pair // Hajime Hinata X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now