Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

So here I was standing at the 9 3/4 platform ready for the shit show of a year it's probably going to be. Considering I'm not gonna be able to do what I choose after this year. I've been at Beauxbatons for the past 6 years. Did I like it there? Sure I mean it was fine but a waste of time because I'll be a death eater and I don't need a degree in witchcraft and wizardry for that. All of this is a waste of fucking time in all honesty, I mean that damn degree is not going to help me be a better death eater or whatever the fuck kind of bullshit my father spews.

People were starting to board the train so I grabbed my trunk and did the same. I open a empty compartment door and take a seat. The door suddenly opens and I'm met with a girl who looks like she's in my year. Light brown hair, blue eyes, and very pretty may I add. "Hi is it okay if I join you here?" the blue eyed witch asked "Of course not a problem" I tell her

"My name is Jemma. Are you new? I've never seen you around." she asked

Yeah I'm Y/n. I just transferred from Beauxbatons actually" I say

"Well it's a pleasure Y/n" Jemma adds

The train ride feels like it went by so quickly. Me and Jemma have just been telling each other about each other and our summers. Of course I left out the part about meeting 'he who shall not be named'. Which by the way was the most frighting things I've ever experienced in my life.

My family comes from a long line of Slytherin death eaters loyalties in my family usually lie with the dark lord so it's obvious I'm going to be put in Slytherin and now even more obvious that my future has been figured out for me.

We got off the train and got on the carriage to go to Hogwarts. Once we got closer to the castle it felt like I was almost in a dream. It was magnificent, gorgeous, beautiful all the pleasant words you can think of that is what it was.

When we arrived me and Jemma walked to what she called 'The Great Hall'. Said it was the place where I would be sorted. The sorting will not be of surprise to me I know where I belong and I know my name means big time to that hat. Matter fact all pureblood families do.

Jemma told me she was a Hufflepuff which I figured as much because of just how she acted I could tell she was very gentle and kind. Definitely not a Slytherin. She did also tell me that she has an older brother in the same year as them but he's in Gryffindor. Told me his name was Neville. They were also purebloods under the name 'Longbottom' but they were not known for the awful things most pureblood names are known for. Such as being followers of the dark lord. At least the purebloods I knew.

We entered the Great Hall and wow just wow. Can this castle get anymore beautiful.

Jemma directed me to Professor McGonagall who was in the entrance of the Great Hall.

"Hello Professor McGonagall?" I ask "Yes that is me, are you the new student from Beauxbatons?" The professor asks

"Yes my name is Y/n Avery" I tell her "Alright well wait just right here and when I call your name you will come to the front where I will be standing and sit on that stool over there" As she points to a stool in the middle of the front of Great Hall I feel eyes on me. Almost as if they are burning holes into my soul which I didn't have much of it left. I feel my eyes shift to the Slytherin table where I make eye contact with a dashing young man. And let me just say omfg these Hogwarts boys are 100 percent an upgrade from Beauxbatons fellas.

I feel the professor walk away and now I'm studying the boy closer. He has a strong jaw line, ginger hair, and from what I can tell green eyes.

He kept eye contact not looking away for even a second. Eyes examining me up to down and down to up. I feel his eyes roam all over my body. I feel intimidated but aroused all at the same time.

'Should I go up to him' I think to myself , but before I can make any other move I hear Professor McGonagalls voice call out "Y/n Avery"


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