Chapter 3

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Fred's POV

As soon as that hat called Slytherin I felt a sense of relief knowing she would be near me. I almost feel relieved by her presence and that makes me more drawn to her.

She was so beautiful nothing I've ever seen before she was everything I was not. Which makes me want her even more.

I feel like I wanna protect her to every extent. But at the same time I feel like I want to wrap my hands around her throat and fuck her until she breaks. Like what the fuck is she doing to me I don't do relationships nor do I catch feelings.

I felt like if I opened my mouth this moment I would say something stupid because I always do. And I also wanted to remain unknown to her almost like a mystery but just surprise talk to her later.

I want.. no no I need her to be drawn to me.

She needs to want me first unless it'll seem desperate. And I'm not desperate.

We were getting up to leave the Great Hall and go to our dorms nows the time to figure out a plan

He had to intrigue her and leave her sexually frustrated she needs to come to me, but I had to initiate it because it made me feel powerful.

I just kind of wanna see her get all flustered because she doesn't know me or my ways yet.

Y/n's POV

We exited the Great Hall and was making my way to the Slytherin dorms. We entered the common room after muttering the password 'pureblood'.

I got to my dorm which I shared with Dexa, thank Merlin for that because I know and like her.

Since it was a Friday night we had a weekend ahead of us, which I was ecstatic about. We got dressed and we're going to Hogsmeade for a few drinks.

I had to shower first so I told Dexa that I would meet them all there. Once I was out of the shower I slipped on a black mini dress with some black sneakers

 Once I was out of the shower I slipped on a black mini dress with some black sneakers

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(Pretend she doesn't have the bag though)

I head out the door and out the common room. As I wonder down the hall I feel as if I'm being watched I look behind me, but no one's there so I ignore it and keep walking.

As soon as I'm about to turn the corner I feel someone grab me and put me against a wall roughly.

I was shocked out first and then I look up and see Fred looking me dead in the eye.

Damn he's so intimidating and sexy I can't.

"Well hello there" he speaks in a seductive manner

"Hi?" I say honestly confused on why he's even talking to me because he didn't seem to talk to me at dinner at all. I honestly thought he didn't like me since he was talking to the others but not me.

Never addressing me.

"Where you heading to?" He asked

"Hogsmeade? Why aren't you there?" I asked slightly annoyed that he's asking stupid questions when he obviously knows where I'm going.

"Not in that you're not." He says firmly jaw clenched

"Excuse you? What wrong with what I'm wearing?" I sneer

"It's revealing" he says jaw still clenched

"And who are you to be telling me what I should and shouldn't be wearing?" I ask

"I just doing you a favor, so you don't dress like a whore" he sneers

oh hell no he did not

"Fuck you" I sneer I try to push past him but this makes him wrap his hands around my neck and slammed me harder into the wall.

"Don't play with me y/n go change now" he says firmly I can tell he's trying not to lose his shit.

But then again I don't even know him and
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.

"No I'm not changing to don't try to tell me again now I wanna go meet up with everyone so if you'll excuse me-"

He suddenly pushes his fingertips against my thighs.

Holy fuck

"So you just like teasing me huh" he whispers in my ear

I'm literally so turned on right now

"What?" I say trying to contain myself, feeling a puddle forming between my legs.

he started trailing his fingers up my inner thigh up to my underwear band and started playing with it. He kept his other hand tight on my neck.

He stopped toying with my underwear band and moved his hand to my heat. I felt embarrassed knowing he feel how wet I am.

"Already so wet and I haven't even done anything yet darling" he slyly says

I can't help but softly moan at his words and press myself against him

He smirks at my actions, then he removed his hands and released me from the wall.

"Well I guess I'll see you at Hogsmeade" he says
"After you change of course" he adds

And with that he walks away.

"Fuck me" I think

"This is gonna be an interesting night"  




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