Chapter 18

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Fred's POV

I was so nervous and shaken on the inside, I wasn't showing it but I know Y/n can feel it.

She's holding on to me tight.

Merlin I'm so grateful for her, what did I do to deserve her?

"We need to talk." I tell them.

They make there way over to the dinner table and all take a seat.

"Look I know we stopped talking but we're about to graduate and I think we need to talk these little issues out we're family" I told them assertively.

"Alright Freddie you know we love you right? It's just in the beginning we didn't know how to react we had a perception of Slytherin's" Ginny started.

"We figured you'd be the same but we see that you've always been the same person Slytherin not Slytherin." Ron said.

"Now we all know you are nothing like them, I mean we've missed you so much we just never knew how to talk to you." Percy said.

"Since we were so harsh in the beginning we figured you wouldn't want to talk to us." Continued Ginny.

"So I guess we never tried, but we love you so much Freddie. Merlin I just miss my other half." George finally spoke.

I felt the biggest smile erupt on my face.

And I can see Y/n happy for me too as she also has a huge smile on her face.

I jump into their arms and give a great big group hug.

I pulled away and just hugged George.

"Goodness I've missed you Georgie"

"I've missed you too Freddie"

We spent that day together speaking, laughing, sharing stories about the past few years we've missed.

It's like we became a family again.

And they all love Y/n, said she was perfect for me and really seems to make me smile.

They weren't wrong.

It started to get late and Mumsy made us stay so we can spend more time together tomorrow morning.

Me and Y/n headed up to our room.

"I'm so proud of you Fred, you did it." She told me.

"I did and it was all because of you, you make me a better man then I could've ever been."

I looked in her eyes and just took her all in that moment.

"Merlin I love you" I told her as I pecked her lips.

"I love you too Freddie"

406 words

Love y'all - Ariella

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