Chapter 11

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warning; sexual content

This is not what I imagined doing this Thursday. I imagined going out with friends after class.

Not breaking Theo's heart, going on to get teased in class by Fred, and then standing here about to submit myself to the handsome devil in front of me.

Get your knees. He said dominantly.

To his words that I obliged.

No questions asked. I wanted this.
I needed to clear my mind and that what Fred was here for on a Thursday. A distraction.

For me to forget everything I've done or been ashamed of. Right now it was just him and I, didn't matter feelings, no feelings. It was just him and that's what mattered.

I brought myself down to my knees in front of him. He seemed almost in shock that I obliged so quickly and without hesitation.

"Are you sure?" he asks gently, almost like he thinks I'm obliging because I have to or I'm afraid.

But the truth is I was just as desperate for him as he was for me. For the distraction.

That is what really lit my body on fire.

Not feeling.

Feeling no guilt, no shame. Just pleasured.

Anything to get my mind off everything.

"Yes." I tell him.

I start unbuttoning his trousers, swiftly pulling them down. He steps out of them, completely getting them out of the way, he rids him of his shirt at the same time flinging it somewhere in the room.

Taking him all the way into my mouth fully, that it hits the back of my throat. I gag a little as it hits the back of my throat, but I can tell Fred likes the feeling so I gag on it a couple more times until I start just working my head up and down on his dick.

Bobbing my head faster now he grabs onto the back of my head, pulling my hair into a makeshift ponytail.

He pushes my head deeper onto his dick. And start bobbing my head for me. He hisses as he releases into my mouth. I swallow it before he can even command me to.

He pulls me up and passionately kisses me. Almost like he's hungry, starving, craving for this.

Swiftly pulling down my skirt he picks me up like a baby and lays me down on his bed.

Slowly unbuttoning my top and flinging it across the room, he starts attacking my lips. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and pull him in closer to me. His hands going from cupping my face, downwards exploring every part of my body.

He kisses down my neck, breasts, stomach and he gets down to my heat. Blowing air from his mouth to tease me, I gasp.

I start closing legs to relieve the tension between me, but Fred pushes my legs apart once again. He kisses my heat once and then starts working with his tongue.

Licking up and down my clit, it feels as if I'm up on cloud 9 and I never wanted to come down. He adds two of his fingers in me, all while rubbing me.

The overstimulation was driving me crazy. I was squirming and twitching from all the pleasure.

"I'm gonna cu— oh my" I couldn't even finish my sentence before releasing. He cleaned me up with his tongue. Licking up my juices, cleaning up the mess I made. He moves up to my ear and whispers "As sweet as always" as his kisses me once more.

"Do you want more?" Asking if I wanted to continue, and hell yes I wanted to.

I needed to.

"Mhmm yes please" I pleaded begging for him.

"Tell me" he said

"What?" I asked confused.

"Tell me what you want. How do you want me to fuck you?"

If I said I wasn't shocked that would be a lie. I've never had someone ask me what I want. So what do I even say.

Then it popped into my head.

"Just make me forget, fuck me so good I'll forget."

He looked a little taken back by my answer, but that's what I wanted so that's what he was going to do.

He started kissing me while pumping himself in his hand.

Pulling back from me, he aligned himself and thrusted in slowly letting me adjust. God I'll never get used to how big he his.

I moaned encouraging him to go faster.

"ah— harder please" at my words he pumped faster and harder.

"You still haven't answered my question" He grunts

"Mhmm and what's that?" I reply

"Who do you belong to? Hm Y/n who?"

"You, I belong to you." I say with no hesitation.

"Say my name" He moans.

"Fred" I moan out loudly. But not loud enough for him.

"Who? Say it again."

"You, Fred" I moan louder.

"Again" He moans pumping harder than ever. Hitting the right spot every time.

Ahhh— Fred, Fred, Fred" I moan as loud as I can.

"Good girl"

Aghhh I'm close— oh my Freddd" I moan out as he hits a different spot making me unravel right there in that moment. Making me melt in his hands like putty. No one could ever make me feel so good.

Not like he did.

He hisses right as he finally releases into me, leaning down to kiss me passionately.

He pulls out and lays down next to me. Taking my sweaty body into his cradling me. As if to protect me from all the wrongs of the world.

This is different than ever before.

As if it's we just made love and it scared me, but I love it. It was an exciting feeling.

"Please don't leave me" he whispers to me, almost being vulnerable.

"I won't, I promise" I whisper back, and that is a promise I swore to keep.

With that we fell asleep together under the cover in each other's arms.

OMGGGG SOO THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE!!! I wanted to make him soft for a second, because we all know deep down he has a soft spot for Y/n. THANK YOU FOR 1.22K READS THATS LITERALLY SO EXCITING AND INSANE!! ❤️

1039 words

Love y'all - Ariella

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