Chapter 2

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"Y/n Avery" Professor McGonagall calls from the front of the Great Hall

As I walk I feel everyone's eyes on me and I hear whispers from all tables. Confused on where I came from so randomly since it was already 7th year.

The last year of me controlling my life I remind myself

"Wow she's hot wouldn't mind hitting it" a dark haired boy from Ravenclaw states loud enough that I can hear him. "Dick" I think to myself. I tempted myself from not jumping to the table and strangling him right there.

Fucking men.

They piss me off mostly because of my father though. Him. He's the most awful person I've ever met. My father he likes to pretend everything's alright all the time. That this death eater destiny he planned out for me is the best fucking thing that ever happened.

Merlin that man is so fucking brainwashed and clueless. It honestly anger me more than anything else. Like how fucking clueless do you have to be to not see that you are ruining my life every single moment this plan goes on.

My mom was the only person who actually genuinely loved me and tried to look out for me and stop this from ever happening. But she's gone now because of all the dangers my father put her through with this dark lord death eater bull - fucking - shit.

I fucking hate him for all of it.

I miss her every fucking day. I would do anything just to hug her once more.

I get to the front and sit on the brown stool McGonagall had showed me earlier. She picked up the hat and placed it on my head.

"Hmmmmm an Avery you say I know exactly where you belong and you will do great there" the hat spoke

"SLYTHERIN" the hat roared

The Slytherin table started clapping and cheering because now they knew I was an Avery. A Pureblood. And now a Slytherin pureblood.

I start walking to the Slytherin table and I take a seat next to a very pretty dark brown haired witch who is sitting with a few people. An another witch with medium olive skin and brown hair, a dark skinned wizard, another wizard with paler skin and brown hair he was wow so cute, a pale blonde with mysterious gray-blue eyes damn he was also very attractive, and last but not least the ginger I had made intense eye contact with earlier.

"Hey I'm Dexa, you're the new transfer student right" the dark brown haired with spoke

"Yeah I'm Y/n. I just transferred from Beauxbatons" I told her
Well it's nice to meet you these are my friends" she points to each one individually and speaks, "This is Draco, Sofie, Blaise" then she points to the ginger "Fred" she speaks

Fred okay now I know his name I think to myself

"And Theo my brother" Dexa finishes introducing me to everyone

"Well it's nice to meet all of you" I say "You're all pureblood" I ask because I am generally curious not that I really care about blood status

"We're all pureblood except Sofie, she's a Ravenclaw though not a Slytherin" Theo answers

"Yeah me and Sofie became friends first year and now we're all a big group" Dexa says

"Do you have a boyfriend though?" Blaise asks "Oh Blaise stop being so intrusive she literally just sat down" Dexa states. Blaise throws his hands up in defense. I giggle. "No it's fine I don't have a boyfriend" I say.

"Really why not you're gorgeous" Theo says.
I blush when he says this and mutter a thank you to him

"I just got here and the boys at Beauxbatons were not the most pleasant people" I tell them

"Well we're men not boys" Blaise states

"Just because you're circumcised doesn't mean you're a man Zabini" Draco says

We all laugh at this. Wow these people are awesome already making me laugh, blush, and I'm actually interested in the conversations they have.

"Do you guys have girlfriends and boyfriends?" I asked curiously

I'm actually dating Draco, have been since year 5. Blaise and Sofie kind of have fling" Dexa says

"But they low-key both have feelings for each other but are scared to admit it because they're both not the kind to get into relationships, but they'll get there" she quickly whispers to me.

"Fred is single and so is my brother as always" Dexa states "manwhores" she laughs. They flip her off at this she just smirks.

"Got it" I giggle. They were like a little family and I love it and I loved the fact that I am now a part of it.

788 words


I'll update ASAP


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