Chapter 4

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Ok so I listened to the Trilogy Album while writing but I definitely recommend the song on the top
"life of the party - the weeknd"

Y/n's POV

I arrived at Hogsmeade and made my way to 'The Three Broomsticks'. I found the group and went to go sit down with them.

And no I didn't change because fuck men and what the fuck they think

I sat down in the middle of Dexa and Theo, Draco next to Dexa, and across from me was Sofie, Blaise, and Fred.

He was staring at me as if he was going to kill me and I knew exactly why, but I didn't care. I mean who the fuck was he to tell me anything.

We ordered a few drinks and got a bit tipsy, all of us made our way to the dance floor and started dancing. I was dancing with Dexa when Draco came and stole her from me. Everyone else had a partner to dance with, Blaise and Sofie also dancing together and making out in the corner of the room but then I look at Theo and see him alone at the bar so I go over and grab him, dragging him to the dance floor with me.

I started being flirty because first I thought he was hot and second I wanted to piss Fred off and show him I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Slowing grinding on Theo, he grabbed my hips and returned the favor, I can not deny that it was turning me on like crazy. I look over to Fred and he looked pissed.

If looks could kill I would be six feet under by now.

I look back to Theo and holy fuck he looked so hot. I didn't know if it was because of the alcohol I was drinking earlier is why I suddenly grabbed his face and kissed him hard.

He started kissing me back harder our tongues fighting for dominance. He won, which I wasn't mad about.

I was always the more submissive partner. I've only ever had sex with one person, I had one boyfriend before back at Beauxbatons, but he just wasn't the one for me.

I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and pulled him in closer. Breathing getting heavier I felt as if I was flying.

He pulled back and looked me up and down

Wow hot

"Do you want to get out of here" I whisper to him biting my lip.

"I don't think that's a good idea, you're really drunk."  He says respectfully

"But you are too" I whine

"Which is why it's a bad idea, and when I actually get a hold of you I want you to remember what I'm going to make you feel" he whispers seductively in my ear


"Okay" is all I say because I'm so flustered

I look back at our table and Fred is gone, everyone actually is. I can only assume Draco and Dexa went to his dorm, Sofie and Blaise also probably went together somewhere.

It's just me and Theo

We go back to the Slytherin Commons and go up to the dorms.

We say goodnight to each other and I make my way back to the dorm.

I take off my makeup and pull on pajamas. I lay down and drift into sleep.

Wow this day was crazy and tiring
I just wonder how tomorrow will be...

625 words

Sorry for the short chapter, but OKKK YAYY IM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THIS GOES!! Again if you guys have any suggestions dm me on Instagram @ariellaax

LOVE Y'ALL - Ariella

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