Chapter 8

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a/n - I'm requesting the trilogy album again so go listen to that during this chapter. If you don't have Spotify or SoundCloud you can listen to the song above that's from the trilogy album as well.

the party & the after party- the weeknd

warning; sexual content

"Get on the bed"

I froze at his words. Not because I didn't want this, but because after wanting to hear them for so long I was shocked on his approach.

Not that I was complaining it was a damn good approach. Damn his fucking dominance.

"Hello Y/n, did I fucking stutter" he snapped in front of my face. I made my way over to the first bed.

Since Fred didn't have his own room I just assumed his bed was the one with the big "F" on his blanket. It didn't look like the school blankets though, it looked knitted. I wonder where he got them from.

I sat on the bed and laid back on my elbows with my head up, struggling to make eye contact with the brooding ginger in front of me.

"Strip and lay back" he orders me. So I did and dared not to ask questions. I didn't want him to stop.

I took my clothes off slowly and seductively teasing him. Yet he was too busy rummaging in his drawers. I heard a clinking noise, he pulled out a belt from his drawer and slammed his drawer shut.

He made his way over to me and raised me up on my feet and then started bringing me down over his knee. Bending me over.

Grabbing my arms he used the belt to restrain them from behind my back. I've never been treated this way, though I liked it but it was all so new.

"Did Theo treat you like this, huh? Like the dirty slut you are? Hm?" I just shake my head no as I held back a small whimper, scared to open my mouth.

"Words Y/n" He demands. "No" I slightly whimper. I'm still curious what he's planning on doing next.

"You're not going to cum until I say you can is that clear?" He asserts. It's like I'm at a loss of words. I try to respond to him, but I can't.

"Mhm" is all I can force myself to mutter out. Though I'm dying to let myself go.

His hand comes down at my ass forcefully at my lack of words. "What did I say about words? No one can hear your slutty moans let it out" he says as his hand smacks my ass with more force. Launching me forwards. I cry out with pleasure.

"Yes I understand" I moan. "Yes what?" He asks. God what else does he want me to fucking say? Then it comes to my mind. Oh this cheeky bastard.

"Yes daddy I understand" I whimper, desperate for his touch. His hand comes down my ass once again. "Good girl" he says as he starts rubbing me, other arm holding me. Good thing because I felt like as if I could collapse at any point.

I squirm from the pleasure as I can't stop myself from doing so I feel the pressure of Fred's hand coming down at my ass once again.

It stung bad, it's definitely going to leave some bruises.

I moan loudly at this since it came out of shock. "Stop fucking moving or by the time we're done you won't be able to." He sneers.

"So fucking do it, pussy" I say wanting to irk him and his ego so he could just fuck me already, and stop teasing me.

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