Chapter 5

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a/n - Yes Y/N is basically a "death eater" but shes only supposed to get the dark mark after her schooling years end, so yes she can wear short sleeves and stuff . Just clearing it up so you guys aren't confused.

warning; sexual content

i recommend anything from the trilogy album, just because i feel it matches the vibes of this story and i was listening to it while writing this chapter as well.
But if you can't put on music if you don't have spotify or soundcloud you can turn on the song I linked to this chapter. Xo/ The Host - the weeknd

Y/n's POV

I woke up the next morning with the biggest headache of my life, that's probably because of my hangover.

I grabbed my wand off my nightstand and walked into the bathroom, fixed my appearance and my hangover with a simple spell.

Walked into my room and saw Dexa putting on some eyeliner.

"Hey how was your night" I ask her

"It's was amazing how about you" Dexa asks

"It was okay, just a bit of a headache" I tell her. See looks at me and asks. "Are you and my brother.. you know" she says hesitantly.

"oh no no no, we just kissed. I don't really know how I feel about him yet." I tell her honestly because I had just met him yesterday.

"Oh ok, I don't have a problem with it. I actually like you, but I was just wondering." She tells me

"By the way Slytherin is having a common room party tonight so if you need to go shopping go now before Hogsmeade gets to crowded, it usually does on Saturdays."

I put on a black Slytherin quidditch jumper with some black sweats and head out of the room after hugging Dexa bye.

As I walk out of the room into the Commons I see Theo who was sitting on the couch with Draco and Fred. I say hi to them and am about to walk out of the commons, but then Theo calls out to me.

"Hey! Wait up." He calls. I turn around and he motions me over to come sit on the couch with them.

I'm hesitant at first but end up complying, but I wasn't gonna stay for long since I needed to go to Hogsmeade.

"Hey what's up guys?" I say. "We're good" Draco and Theo say with a cheeky smiles on there faces. Then I look over to Fred and I make eye contact with him.

He giving me the deadliest look. Like he wants to kill me.

I just look away knowing if I look any longer I won't be able to. "What are you guys doing today?" I ask curiously. "We went to London today to get some muggle herb for the commons party" Draco says.

"If you guys aren't going to do anything else do you want to tag along to Hogsmeade with me?" I ask. "I can't me and Blaise are going to help set up some shit for the party, then me and Dexa are going on a picnic date. Don't tell her though it's a surprise." Draco says I can tell he's a little nervous for the surprise.

"I won't , but aww that's so sweet of you Draco" I tell him. "You think she'll like it? I've never done something quite like this. He asks nervously. "Yes she'll love it of course don't be silly" I say. He just smiles and nods at my words.

"I've got better things to do" Fred randomly spits and gets up from the couch. Why is he in such a mood, is he always like this?

"Okay I guess I can go with you" Theo says. "Oh Merlin thank you. I wanted an opinion on what I should wear tonight." I take hold of his hand and start to get up off the couch.

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