Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV

We got down to the great Hall. Everyone was there. Teachers and students.

I was nervous of whats so important Professor Dumbledore couldn't wait till the morning.

"Please fellow students take a sit at your usual tables, I have an exciting and important announcement." Dumbledore said enthusiastically

'So it's not bad better be good especially thinking back to what could've happened with Fred tonight.' I think to myself.

"The school has been informed that Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named has been defeated by Mr Potter and his friends. They have returned to school and I thought this was a perfect Friday night for celebratory dinner. So everybody enjoy!!" Dumbledore said all at once.

As soon as those words sunk in I felt myself smile to myself.

Truly smile.

I grab Fred and give him the biggest hug. He hugs me back and whispers to me.

"It's okay, it's all over"

I feel instantly warm from his comforting words.

I'm going to have to tell him eventually about what I was going to become but this moment was to good to ruin.

We had the best dinner that night. Everyone came together from all houses. We all heard that there was going to be a Room of requirement party that everyone was going to be invited to.

Me and Fred decided to go back to our dorms and get ready for the party.

Merlin I just can't believe the nightmare is over.

Truly over.

Merlin what else could this night bring.

Heyyyyy so sorry for the super short chapter but next chapter be ready for a party and smutttt.
So leave suggestions for what you would like to see happen at the party!!!

290 words

Love y'all - Ariella

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