Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV

I woke up that morning with intent and purpose.

I'm going to help the love of my life get his family back.

It was important to me that I do an amazing job reconnecting them, since I have no family left and that pains me. But at the end of the day it's ok because I think about it like this I have Fred and all of my friends.

And that's all the family I need.

The people that care about me, my well being, and wish the best for me and I should accept nothing less. Just like Fred shouldn't of it comes down to that.

But I hope it doesn't.

I got dressed and went to go see how Fred was doing since he was just staring in his sock drawer.

"Babe? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh um yeah just nervous, I haven't really spoke to them normally in years." He told me.

"What even happened between you guys?"

"My siblings always had a perception of Slytherins, thinking that they were evil, cruel, and any other vile thing you can think of."

He paused, took a breath and then he continued.

"My parents always stuck by me and still treated me like a son but I distanced myself because of my siblings. I felt like if they thought I was evil maybe I was."

"You know that's not true, Fred. You don't have to ever think of yourself like that."

"I know that now, I mean you brought out the side I haven't been in 6 years. My true self. I'm just glad you're going to be with me today because even if my family continues to reject me I just know I'll have you."

I blush at his charming words and peck his lips.

"Come on let's get going" I tell him.

He takes my hand as I grab my wand and mutter 'apparate'

We land outside of what Fred called The Burrow and we knocked on the door.

A woman answered the door with puffy ginger hair and an apron on.

"Freddie honey, it's so nice to see you and who is this beautiful gal?"

"Hi mum this is Y/n, my girlfriend" he said as he hugged her.

"Nice to meet you Y/n." She said as she embraced me into a big hug.

"Come sit at the table I just finished making dinner" she said leading us into the dining room.

We sat at the table, whatever she had cooked it smelled amazing


The wood floors creaking a bunch of gingers come down the stairs.

Their eyes widen as the see us.

"Fred?" They all say in shock.

"Hey we need to have a talk" Fred tell them.

479 words

Love y'all - Ariella

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