Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

I had woken up that morning to any empty bed.
No Fred. That was weird because it was his dorm.

Then I had heard the shower turn on, alright so he didn't leave.

That's different...

Hearing tapping sounds on the window I get startled. Looking over my shoulder I see an unfamiliar owl.

White owl, icy blue eyes, but it had a single black spot in the center of its face.

I open the window and take the letter from the owl I assume it's Fred's so I go to put it on his desk. As I'm putting down the letter I notice it has my name on it.

Strange I never get letters, unless it's from my father of course. But this wasn't his owl. I start opening the letter and read.

Dear Ms Y/n Avery,

We are to sadly inform you that your father
'Gulfus Avery' has been pronounced dead.
We offer all our condolences. Since you are the last remaining 'Avery' heir all of the family money, heirlooms and property will be under your name. There will be no funeral under the circumstances that your father clearly wrote in his will that there shall be no such thing when he is to pass. Again we are deeply sorry for your loss.

The Ministry

What the fuck? He's dead, wait how about Voldemort? Am I going to fill in for my father now?
Is he going to use and brainwash me, like he did to my father?

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Yes I hated that piece of trash of a dad, but he was still the only person I had left. That was family, my real family.

And now I'm alone. Like I always thought I would be yes, but not like this.

Starting to cry I hear the door unlocking to reveal Theo he looks shocked to see me in such a state.

"What's wrong Y/n?" He says to me gently.

I don't answer, but just cry harder I don't know why, but I just can't help it for some reason.

"Did Fred do something to you? I'm gonna fucking kill him" he says getting angry.

"No, no Fred didn't do anything. It's this." I hand him the letter.

He reads over it and pulls me into a hug.

"Oh my Merlin Y/n, I'm so sorry." He comforts

"It's fine I just think I need to get some rest, alone" I tell him, even though after the events of yesterday he is still such a sweetheart pains me.

"It's okay, I understand. Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?" He asks.

"No I'll be fine, thank you Theo." I give him another hug. I hear the bathroom door being opened and Fred walks out.

"What the fuck is going on?" I'm confused on what he's talking about, but then I realize. I'm just in Fred's long shirt and giving Theo a hug.

And I know Fred gets jealous easily. Even if I'm not his girlfriend I have learned he's very territorial.

"It's nothing it's just this—" I couldn't even finish my sentence when he replied.

"What you're fucking him too?"

"WHAT NO!?" I replied in shock. Insulted that he would think so little of me.

"No of course you are, you know why? Because you're nothing but a whore and I should've known it from the start!" He yells at me. I try to reply but Theo does it for me.

"Don't fucking talk to her that way, you have no fucking idea what she's going through!! She's too good for you and know it." He yells at Fred. I don't think I've ever seen Theo this angry.

"So what we're you guys talking about? HUH!??" Fred says still raise his tone.

Grabbing the letter I shove it into his chest and go to walk out. I can't believe he would think so little of me and be so cruel with his words.

But I obviously didn't matter to him enough if he jumps to conclusions like that.

He quickly scans over the letter. His eyes widen with guilt.

"Wait, Y/n! I had no idea." He says while I'm about to leave.

"Go fuck yourself Fred how about that?" I say calmly as I walk out.

Leaving them I hear Theo and Fred arguing but I go to my dorm and shut the door.

I jump on my bed and start breaking down.

I didn't show up to classes that day. Just cried myself to sleep. Missed dinner, I didn't want to see anyone.

Dexa had been with Draco at the Manor so I had the room to myself.

I heard a knock on the door.

"GO AWAY" I shouted from my pillow.

No response, just another knock.

"Strange" I think to myself.

I stand up from bed and go to open it.

Standing there was not who I expected.


HAPPY FRIDAYY!! OKKKAYYY SOO WE ARE GETTING RID OF VOLDY BADDIES DON'T WORRY!! Sorry for the short chapter, I'll update asap!!
Thank you sooo much for 1.32k readsss!!!❤️❤️❤️

859 words

Love y'all - Ariella

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