Chapter 13

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a little earlier -

Theo's POV

"What the fuck is wrong you!" I screamed at Fred. He stayed silent, almost as if he was in shock.

"Like you always jump to conclusions I've seen. Why do you do that?"

"Because everyone has done the SAME TO ME!"

"We haven't. Y/n has had faith in you I have no idea why, but she has. I think she loves you dude."

"She what?" He answers a bit shocked.

"Do you not realize how she sticks by you, deals with you, and doesn't give up on you. It's obvious that she loves you. And not friend love, real true love."

"I don't know me and Y/n are not really serious, but I've been feeling someway lately. It's just—" he pauses for a second.

"I don't know, different when I'm with her. I don't feel empty inside. I don't feel shut out. And it's the only time in my live I've ever felt this way. Even my family has given up on me but she hasn't."

"Look I just going to ask this. Do you love her? Like actually really love her? Answer honestly, none of that I don't know I'm dead inside crap."

"Yeah I do. I don't want to lose her, but at the same time I don't want to hurt her so I feel it would be better if I pushed her away."

"You realize you would only end up hurting her that way though right?"

"I guess, but it's too late. I mean look what I did, said to her. I think I've lost her."

"Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. You'll never know you'll go to her and apologize, you know talk things over. Maybe open up a bit so she could understand. I know it's not easy but if you really love her and I think you do. You'll be willing to do that."

"I do really love her. I want to get her back."

"So go get her what are you waiting for."

He didn't reply just got grabbed his jumper off the dresser and slipped it on. With that he left the dorm.


Y/n's POV

"What do you want?" I said tiredly not in the mood to argue with him.

"Please let me explain" he pleaded

"Why should I let you do that? Huh? Always assuming everything without leaving me explain. Maybe I should do the same."

"Y/n please"

"Fine, come in" I said opening the door for him to enter.

I shut the door and sit at the end of my bed. He still standing at the closed door.

"You can come sit next to me Fred" I told him.

He made his way over to me and took a seat.

"Look first I just wanted to say I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean what I said I—" he pauses for second.

"I didn't want to face losing you, to anyone. I felt if it was true that you were seeing Theo or anyone else, it would be easier to just push you away."

"But why would you think that? And why would it matter?"

"Because I—" he takes a deep breath.

"I love you, Y/n" he says as he holds my hands in his.

Wow that wasn't the answer I was expecting. But I've felt the same way for a while now. I made the stupid fucking offer so I could get closer to him. Right? But what about everything else. My death eater double life. That's going to affect him. And I'm not sure I can put him through that.

"Please say something" he says almost begging.

"I love you too" I say almost whispering.

He suddenly smiles. No not one of his cheeky fucking smirks.

A real smile.

He looks so happy, I couldn't help returning the same smile. A real smile of happiness.

He strokes my cheeks and tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Can I kiss you now please? I really missed you." He says

I connect my lips with his. We share a passionate, real kiss not full of hunger or anger, but true love.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

We stop and I go answer it.

It's Professor Mcgongall.

"I'm not going to ask what he's doing here in the girls dormitory but please get dressed and head down to the great hall."

"Right now at 11pm?"

"Yes Professor Dumbledore has an important announcement."


776 words

Love y'all - Ariella

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