Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

It was Monday morning. The first day of school. I got up to go do my makeup and get dressed. Putting on my uniform, sneakers, and grabbing my books I head off.

Dexa had left for breakfast earlier, but I wasn't hungry so I slept in. Making my way down to the DADA classroom I see Theo.

"Hey" I wave over to him. He looks over to me and comes over my way. "Hi what class are you heading to" He asks. "defense against the dark arts" I tell him.

"Oh shit I don't have the same class my class is down that way" he points down the opposite direction we are walking in. "I have Divination right now, but can I talk to you before lunch?" He asks. I actually needed to talk to him as well, I didn't want to keep leading him on.

"Sure I'll meet you near the abandoned boys bathroom on the 4th floor before lunch, sound ok?"

"Yeah I'll see you then." Theo waves goodbye to me and walks off to his class.

Entering DADA I don't see many people I know so I go sit down at a random table. As I sit down I hear someone enter I classroom.

Looking over I make eye contact with Fred. He starts making his way over to my table. Shit. I still haven't talked to him since I offered him that stupid deal.

As stupid as it was I still wanted it to be as planned. Just like I said to him we could both use the distraction.

"Well hello Y/n" He speaks. Yet I don't hear him because I'm just so focused on his face. Those eyes and damn that jawline. Wouldn't mind if he just—

"Hello earth to Y/n" He snaps his fingers in front of my face getting me to focus on what he's saying.

I snap out of my trance and sputter out "Huh what?" He laughs at this "Enjoy what you see darling? Take a picture it'll last longer" He says slyly.

How fucking embarrassing hUh WHaT? Like who in Merlins good graces is so fucking stupid.

Me apparently.

"Fuck off, twat." I snap. I don't why it came out so aggressive but he didn't mind, he just slyly responded "Ohhh feisty today are we darling."

"Whatever" I roll my eyes. "Darling it better not be me you're rolling your eyes at, or I'll give you something to roll them about." He whispers in my ear.

Shivers are sent down my spine and I feel myself getting hot, tension rising between my legs. How can one get me so flustered with words.

I still remember the night at the Astronomy Tower.

After he left I felt a loss. I wanted him closer, deeper, wanted him to explore my whole body. I wanted— needed his touch. He barely did anything to me that night and I was hooked.

By everything. His touch. His dominance. All of his qualities, and there were no feelings involved to make it complicated it was perfect in a sense.

Or more he was perfect.

I couldn't get him off my mind I needed him.

Right now. I was done waiting, teasing, and playing games. I didn't care that I was being desperate because I was. But I just needed him.

"Fred?" I whisper shout. "Hmm" I looks over from his work to my eyes.

"Meet me in the commons in 10. Ok?" I tell him. He looks shocked by my forwardness but nods. "Don't be late" I whisper to him as I get up. Making sure to sway my hips as I walked out of the classroom after being excused.

I make my way down the hall into the commons. As I enter after muttering the password, I feel hands wrap around my neck and push me against the door.

"Tsk tsk tsk, darling you thought you could order me to come here and tease me as you leave? Well you're wrong. You follow my rules you got it?" Fred speaks

I find myself nodding immediately and he smirks at my fast response.

"Such a needy, bratty little slut aren't you?" He starts kissing down my neck. "mhmm" I moan.

"I guess I'll just have to teach you a lesson then. I mean this and whoring around with Theo too, don't think I don't know or forgot."

"You think you'll be better then him?" Sometimes I question if I have a death wish. He just nods and smirks as he rolls his tongue inside his cheek.

"Okay Y/n I warned you." He drags me to his dorm and shuts the door behind us.

"Get on the bed"

Okayyyyyy I finally updated sorry it took a little while I had some writers block and then I thought of this so I hope you enjoyed I'm writing the next chapter right now!!

825 words

Love y'all - Ariella

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