Chapter 15

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warning; heavy sexual content

the dirtiest thing I've written so far, took a little inspo from 'His Hufflepuff' like hooking up at the Room of requirement party because I love that but on that note hope you ENJOY THIS FILTH!!!

I'll say when you should play the song;
Wicked Games by The Weeknd

I got dressed to go to the party Fred said he would meet me in the room of requirement.

I made my way down the hallway as I saw  Dexa.

"Hey!" She yelled out at me excited to see me.

"Hiii oh my Merlin I missed you, Dexa" I said as I gave her a big hug.

"You don't even understand how much I missed you, Y/n." She said back.

"Hey I'm right here you know your boyfriend." Draco says jokingly.

"Yeah yeah you're a comedian babe, I love you too." She says back giggling.

"I assume you guys heard the news, so are you guys coming to the party?"

"No we actually wanted to stay in today because we helped Cissy and the house elves move some things around in the house before we left. We're pretty tired, just want to sleep."

"Oh okay have fun, I won't come to the room I'll stay with Fred tonight."

"Wait you and Fred?" Draco and Dexa both say confused.

"Yeah... long story don't ask." I reply.

"Okay have fun at the party Y/n" Dexa says.

I hug her goodbye and wave bye to Draco and continue heading down to the room of requirement.

I walk into the party and it's like a parallel universe.

Everyone's dancing and most are definitely drunk, high or both.

I feel someone's hands on my hips. I spin around to see Fred.

Merlin he looks hot.

"I was trying to find you." He whispers in my ear.

"I just got here I was looking for you" I reply.

"Well do you want to leave already?" He asks.

"I would but Blaise and Theo didn't come to the party and Dexa is with Draco in my dorm."

"I have an idea" He says putting his hand out for me to take it and I do.

He leads me into a classroom, Snape's classroom. He locks the door and sits me on a desk.

Hands on my hips.

"God Fred here? Snape will fed us to wolves if he caught us doing this"

"That's why we lock the door" he jokes.

"No seriously we're going to do this?"

"Only if you want to. Do you want to?" He asks me concerned that he's done something because he takes his hands off me that second.

"Yes of course what kind of question?" I reply giggling.

"So it's okay if I kiss you right now right?"

"Yes you weirdo." I laugh as we connect our lips passionately.

*play song now*

The kiss gets more intense by the second. Hand unclipping my corset top and then running along my breasts.

I moan into his mouth as he massaged my nipple. It felt weirdly amazing.

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