cinq part two

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The team settled down in the plane, Elizabeth sat next to Derek and opposite JJ and Spencer

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The team settled down in the plane, Elizabeth sat next to Derek and opposite JJ and Spencer. "this plane needs more colour." Elizabeth stated as she opened a book, then Spencer asked what book it was.

"Romeo and Juliet." she responded as she flipped the pages to find the page she was last on. "fiction is great, but it gives hope." Spencer shrugged as he pulled out a book about chemistry. "i'm sure it does." Elizabeth muttered under her breath.

"Boston is a three hour plane journey." Hotch sat down on the sofa which was near the small table which they used for briefing. "we should get started." he added on as everyone placed down what they were using or reading to pick up the case file.

"first victim was Chloe Lewis, age 23 and she worked as a nurse." Elizabeth read off the case file as she looked at Chloe's autopsy report. "she had no food in her stomach so he starves them." Emily said and Elizabeth hummed.

"next was Owen Williams." Rossi looked up from the case file to look around the plane. "34 and worked as a plumber." he read the information that the local pd sent them but also what Garcia had gathered.

"then the recent victim is Hope Johnson." JJ said as she lifted up the picture of Hope on the table at the morgue to read the report. "19 and was a student." she finished off her little introduction.

"age, race or gender doesn't affect this unsub." Derek was confused as only Chloe was the only one who was starved. "only Chloe was starved." Derek announced as the others went to look at his point. "that's weird." Emily said.

"Chloe was last seen at a hotel, Owen at a clients house then Hope at the local supermarket." Spencer listed off, "he's bold." Elizabeth stated as she shifted in her seat to get more comfortable. "and he's accelerating." Hotch held a tight face as everyone closed the file.

"when we land. JJ and Rossi go to the morgue. Elizabeth and Spencer to the police station to speak to the family. Emily and Derek to the first two crime scenes and i will go to the last one." Hotch told everyone where to go when they landed.

Three hours later, the plane landed on the Boston tarmac, which allowed everyone to go to their assignments. "who's driving?" Elizabeth asked as she knew Spencer didn't like to drive like herself. "uhm... i will." the boy genius stumbled.

"aren't they screwed." Emily laughed at the two people who hated to drive. "i think Spencer's driving." Derek added on as the youngest agent got into the driving seat as Elizabeth got in the passenger seat. "i wish them luck." Rossi joked as he got in the driving seat.

"see you can drive fine!" Elizabeth smiled as the boy wonder started driving to the police station. "you're the only one who thinks so." he joked as they pulled up to a red light. "they're just jealous." she winked.

Elizabeth out of instinct looked towards the window and glanced at the car next to them. "didn't the witness say they saw a dark blue 2003 ford driving away from the second scene?" Elizabeth asked Spencer to which he nodded.

"there's one next to us." she said as she tried to get a better look at the driver. Elizabeth straightened up to see better into the car and she saw something shiny on the passenger seat. "i think he has a gun on the passenger seat... i can't make it out though." Elizabeth looked over at Spencer.

"we have to call Hotch." Spencer said as he pressed the button to contact Hotch. "what's up Reid?" he asked as the lights turned green and Elizabeth made the call to follow the car. "follow it." Elizabeth told Spencer so he did.

"follow what?" their boss asked as Spencer came up behind the ford. "we may have a suspect." Elizabeth nervously giggled as Spencer turned the sirens on to make the driver pull over, which he didn't. "why us." Spencer groaned as he started to go in between cars to keep up.

"do you have a licence?" Hotch asked as Spencer increased the speed. "uhm. GL24 X5B." Elizabeth listed out as they were behind the car once again. "we are going down a dirt road-" Elizabeth started but the phone went dead. "no signal." she looked over at the male.

The pair watched the ford come to a stop as did Spencer. "be careful." she told the genius as he didn't really like being on the field. Both exited the car and drew their guns, "on my count." both agents stalked towards the car.

Elizabeth went to the right side as Spencer to the left but before they knew it... they were by the car. "FBI!" Elizabeth called out as she went to the window and pointed her gun through the open window. Elizabeth and Spencer opened both doors as Spencer dragged the driver to the ground.

"show us your hands." the male agent called as Elizabeth placed her gun away to cuff the unknown man. "what's your name?" she asked as she placed him in the back of the SUV. "Henry." he muttered as Spencer drove away.

"what about my car!" Henry yelled as they left the dirt road and back onto the main road. "someone will pick it up." Spencer said while driving back to the police station. About ten minutes later, the agents and the possible suspect arrived as Hotch left the station.

"you two okay?" he asked as Elizabeth opened the door to let Henry out before closing it again. "he went down a path with no signal." Spencer explained the situation to the boss while Elizabeth directed him to the interrogation room.

"Garcia found that Henry has been to jail two times : one for drug possession with the intent to distribute and the other was domestic abuse towards his girlfriend." Hotch told the two as Elizabeth decided to go in.

"i'll use the girlfriend to try and throw him off." she said as she opened the door which held Henry in, holding a case file on him before closing the door and sitting down. "Henry White" she placed the case file down and placed her hands on top of it.

"age twenty five and already done two sentences in prison." she chuckled as she lent back. "the one i'm interested about is the one where you attacked your girlfriend." she stared at him, directly into his eyes to show dominance.

"i didn't do it." he shrugged as he rested his hands on the table, "she's a liar." he added on as Elizabeth nodded before opening the case file. "five broken ribs, a broken nose and a broken collarbone." she listed off the injuries he inflicted on his then girlfriend.

"did she piss you off so much that you couldn't control your anger and you snapped." she tried to get into his hand. "what did she try to break it off or do you like hitting girls?" she carried on and the agent could see the veins on his forehead and neck starting to show, indicating he was angry.

"maybe she cheated." she went on to the next topic, "maybe you weren't good enough for her." she lent forward as she smirked before Henry stood up angrily, slamming his fists onto the table. "you don't know anything!" he yelled, pointing his index finger towards her.

"oh i do! you like hitting women." she said as Hotch came in just in case anything happened. "sit down." he glared at the suspect but Henry did what he was told. "where were you on the days of the fourteenth, eighteenth and the twenty first?" Elizabeth asked the man in front of her as Hotch walked out.

"i was at home." he slouched back, "can anyone verify that?" she asked but Henry shook his head no. "stay put." she ordered as she closed the file before standing up and exiting the room. "women is a hot spot for him but i don't think he's the guy." Elizabeth stood in front of Spencer and Reid.

part two for this 'episode'

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