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"no mum! i'm absolutely fine

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"no mum! i'm absolutely fine." Elizabeth spoke into the phone, which was followed by a small chuckle. Her mother, Ivy, had always been someone who worried a lot. "just making sure!" her mums voice echoed through the speakers.

"hey, look. I have to go, we are about to land." she told her mum and got her seatbelt buckled. "is he there?" her mum asked and Elizabeth gave a small yes. "he is." she stated. "don't say anything about it! and be careful." her voice disappeared straight after.

Elizabeth glanced over to see Derek staring at her, looking like he was trying to figure her out; the blonde gave a small glare which made him look away. "prepare for landing!" the pilots voice told everyone from the speakers.

Within ten minutes, the plane was safely on the ground and everyone had exited it. "let's go." Elizabeth muttered to her fellow team member and smiled towards everyone else before walking over to one of the SUV's.

The agent knew Morgan liked to drive, which was great because she hated it. Elizabeth placed herself in the passenger seat, glancing down at her phone which resulted in her biting her lip.

The driver side door was opened and Elizabeth placed her phone away but continued to look straight ahead. "let's get this show on the road." Elizabeth said and looked over at Derek for a small second.

With Morgan's driving, the pair had reached the ME's office within twenty minutes. "i have never done one of these before." Elizabeth told Morgan as he parked the Suv. "just follow my lead and you'll be fine." Morgan reassured his new team mate.

Elizabeth exited the car and closed it gently before straightening her leather jacket before walking towards the front door. The agent went to open the door but Derek had beat her to it. "oh, thank you." she smiled at her new friend.

The pair of agents were met by the ME who was conducting the autopsy on the three families... "three families" Elizabeth thought to herself and she shivered. "okay, the Santiago family." The ME started.

The ME, who was called Linda, pulled back the cover on the father. "are these burn marks?" Elizabeth asked and Linda nodded her head. "the mother had them too but the children had none." she explained.

Linda pulled back the cover on the mother and the two children. "mother has similar wounds to the children. His anger was definitely shown on the father." Derek said and looked around on the father for more wounds.

Elizabeth stalked over to the mother and bent down. "any sexual assault?" she asked as she lifted up the mother's arm. "none." Linda stated and stood back to let the agents work. "she has an engraving under her arm, nearer to the armpit." The female agent looked up at the ME and Derek.

Derek walked over and bent down, becoming really close near Elizabeth. "the letter one." he said and looked over at Elizabeth. "maybe to say 'this is my first family' " Elizabeth suggested.

The pair done a quick look over the children but found nothing, just ligature marks. "this is the Rico family and everything was the same but i'll need to check for an engraving." Linda said and lifted up the mother's arm.

"a two." she looked over at the agents and Elizabeth bit her lip, "he is making a tally list." she whispered to Morgan, and he nodded. "with the recent victims, the Wilkinson's. The father was worse than the other fathers." Elizabeth pulled back the cover to see.

"his tongue is removed." Linda told the agents and Elizabeth bent down to have a look. "was it done professionally?" she asked and she inspected the mouth. "not by a long shot." Linda shook her head.

"we can rule out any medical professional." Derek stated. "i found a three on the mother's body." the ME called over and the two walked over. "this three is more neater than the other two." Elizabeth told Derek.

"anything on the children?" he asked but he got a no. "okay, thank you." Elizabeth smiled before leaving the office with Derek. "he is definitely getting comfortable during these kills." Elizabeth opened the door.

Once they had loaded themselves in the car, they were on the move to the police station. "man, i'm hungry." she rubbed her stomach as it grumbled. "geez little lady." Derek laughed at the sound that it was making.

"you feed the tiger than i'll be happy." Elizabeth joked as she looked over at the driver. She couldn't lie and not say he was attractive.... very attractive. "look, there's a mcdonald's." Derek turned the corner and drove to the drive through.

"you are the best!" she smiled and leaned over before kissing his cheek. "oh my! i'm sorry." she placed her hand over her mouth before gasping. "heat of the moment, i swear!" she cried.

"it's all good, sweet cheeks." Derek laughed and pulled up to the order point. "mayo chicken meal with a.... chocolate milkshake." she told her order to Morgan and he then ordered his food.

"hi guys." the cashier greeted them. "your total is £12.95." she told them and Elizabeth was quicker than the male and she had tapped her card on the reader. "thank you." she smiled as Derek drove to the next window.

"hey! " he sounded offended. "i was going to pay for that." he told her and he gave a small pout. "next time, chocolate thunder." she smirked as the window opened to reveal a young boy holding their drinks and their food.

"thank you, my man." Derek took the drinks, handing them to Elizabeth before putting the food on the floor. "chocolate thunder huh." Derek spoke, making Elizabeth choke on the straw that was supplying liquid into her mouth.

"i heard Garcia say it and you blushed." she shrugged as she placed a few chips into her mouth. Derek shook his head, laughing before turning into the police station. "this isn't over." he pointed his finger at her and Elizabeth left the car, holding the drinks and the food.

"what did the ME say?" Rossi asked the two when they entered the conference room. "the last family was more beaten, shows his confidence is rising." Elizabeth sat down, next to JJ.

" People may forget your words, your actions but they will never forget the feelings that you gave them. " - Maya Angelou

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