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"stop it, Sarah!" a five year old Derek Morgan, yelled

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"stop it, Sarah!" a five year old Derek Morgan, yelled. "you're too slow!" a nine year old Sarah laughed as she ran in front of her little brother, down to the closest corner shop to their house.

Derek stopped to catch his breath while his sister continued her run and within a few seconds, she was out of his sight. "son, what are you doing out alone?" Derek turned around to see his father climbing out of his police cruiser and made his way over to his only son.

"sarah ran off." he told his father as his father nodded, both looked in the direction that she had disappeared in but she poked her head around the corner, holding a cheeky grin. "hi pops." she waved as she skipped over to her brother and her father.

"you don't leave your brother alone, Sarah." Hank scolded his daughter as her gaze was diverted to the ground. "i'm sorry Derek." she muttered as Derek stood next to their father as he stood tall. "go to the shop and i'll wait here." their father smiled towards the young children before they darted off into the distance, laughter following shortly.

"ow!" Sarah yelped as her body collided with the door of the shop, "are you okay?" Derek scrambled to help his sister up off the floor, seeing blood on her head. "i'll get dad." he quickly ran off to the direction of their father, telling him what happened.

"baby!" Hank yelled as he bent down to check over his daughter who had fallen unconscious, with bystanders hovering over her. "sarah!" he gently shook her but no response was heard.

Derek snapped out of his dream to see that he was in a hospital waiting room... Elizabeth. "any updates?" he stood up as JJ came back with Rossi, both holding cups of coffee. "she's still unconscious." the blonde gave a sympathetic smile as she sat down next to Reid.

The remaining team waited for two hours before any news was said on the unconscious agent. "she is slowly waking up, only two at a time." the head doctor on Elizabeth's case stated. "Derek and Penelope should go first." the boss looked up from his phone.

Penelope held her hand out for the male to grab on, she knew that he liked the agent and he had to receive all the support he could get at this moment. "she'll be fine." she muttered to Derek. "she's strong." she added on as the pair walked to the room where she was resting.

"hey pretty lady." Derek smiled sadly as he pushed the door open to see a battered Elizabeth laying in the bed, cuts and bruises lacing her face and body. "oh my!" Penelope cried out as she detached her hand from Derek's and wobbled over to her friend.

"hey, P." Elizabeth smiled as the analyst bent down to give her a hug. "ow." she winces as Penelope's hand rested on her ribs, where four broken ones rested. "Penelope, careful." Derek gently pulled her back off his colleague. "i'm sorry." she whispered and took a step back.

Penelope had decided to leave the two alone as she muttered to herself, "she's fine" over and over again. "hey chocolate thunder." Elizabeth joked as he pulled up a chair to sit next to his wounded friend. "you gave us a scare, sweet thang." he rubbed her hand with his fingers.

"you knew i was going to come out alive." she smiled as she just watched him as his eyes kept drifting from her to the injuries scouting her body. "hey." she sat up and used her index finger to raise his head. "i'm fine." she smiles as he used his hand to cover hers that was rested on his cheek.

"yes i may have broken bones but i'm fine, i came out stronger." she rubbed his cheek as he silently released the tears that he was holding. "i was scared for you... your death was coming close." he muttered as he choked out the words that he thought.

Elizabeth's heart shattered as she realised how much the agent in front of her cared for her. "Derek, i'm here now and i'm not going anywhere else." she laughed as he cracked a smile that Elizabeth loved to see. "come here." she said as Derek stood up, as he thought that she was meaning a hug.

The injured lent up and her lips was on his.


That was all Derek could taste. Mint.

The two put all the passion and the feelings they both shared into the kiss, Elizabeth and Derek had wanted to do that for a while but they couldn't show their feelings to the team, that is why Elizabeth acted so cold towards him.

Derek pulled away first but his hands stayed on her cheeks as she looked into his eyes, giving a small tug to her lips which was followed by a smirk. "now that was good!" they pulled away from each other to see the team standing outside the room, with big smiles on their faces... well expect Aaron Hotchner.

"who had two months?" JJ asked as different times were thrown about in the room. "did you have a bet on us?" Elizabeth gave a stern look as the team became silent. "i had three." Emily spoke up as they team groaned.

"wait, didn't Hotch have one and a half?" Rossi asked as their boss nodded. "damn." everyone muttered small things under their breaths, all handing £5 over to their boss, who held a small smirk.

"they betted on us!" Elizabeth exclaimed to Derek as he held a smirk as he sat down, getting himself comfortable. "you don't care?" she shrieked as she threw herself back down on the hospital bed as the team laughed.

All stayed with Elizabeth for another ten minutes but they decided that coffee and food was needed but Rossi and Hotch stayed behind as they closed the door behind them.

"how did you survive?" the boss asked.

"i was already dead." and her response broke them.

"The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new." — Socrates

A/N: this was just a filler chapter but they finally kissed!!!! I was waiting for this and i'm sure all you guys were too :)

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