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A knock on the door broke Elizabeth away from her train of thoughts

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A knock on the door broke Elizabeth away from her train of thoughts. "i'm coming!" she yelled as she rushed off the sofa to open the door. "hey guys!"she smiled as JJ, Michael and Henry stood outside her house.

"please come in." she opened the door wider, as the three walked in.

JJ led Henry through the door as she held Michael, and Elizabeth closed the door. "thank you for looking after them." JJ smiled as both adults watched Henry flop onto the sofa.

"it's no problem! You and Will need some alone time." Elizabeth waved her hand, and she didn't care... she loved watching the boys. "okay, Michael has already been fed and he does need a nap. He'll sleep for like three hours." JJ started telling Elizabeth everything she needed to know.

"i'm sure Henry will tell you what he wants." JJ looked over at her oldest son before handing Michael over to one of her best friends. "i really appreciate it." the blonde whispers but Elizabeth just smiled.

Elizabeth patted Michaels back as she started to rock back and forth. "go, go have fun." she whispers as JJ goes over to Henry and places a kiss on his forehead before she made her way back over to Elizabeth and Michael, placing a kiss on her youngest before leaving the house.

"hey bud. I'm going to put your brother down then we can do something, okay?" Elizabeth looked over at Henry, who just nodded. The babysitter walked upstairs to her bedroom and she placed the youngest onto it, making sure he had pillows surrounding him, just in case he fell or moved.

Elizabeth walked back downstairs and over to Henry. "what do you wanna do?" she asked the blonde boy. "i'm supposed to bake cookies for my school... can we do that?" Henry asked sheepishly.

"yeah that's fine, bud!" Elizabeth said.

The pair stood up from the sofa as Henry led Elizabeth into the kitchen. "now... do you know how to bake and make cookies?" Elizabeth stared at the young boy.

"of course i do!" Henry smiled.

Henry pushed up his glasses as he got out the piece of paper which held the instructions on how to bake cookies. "you came prepared." Elizabeth laughed as she took out all the ingredients that they needed.

When everything was out and all was in a certain order, they got to work. "how much do we need?" Elizabeth asked her colleague. "two hundred ml of water." he stared at the piece of paper before nodding.

Three hours later, the cookies were down and Henry was choosing what colour to put in the icing bag. "i say blue!" Elizabeth nodded as Henry decided what colour to use. "wahhhh!" Elizabeth patted Henry's shoulder. "that's your brother bud! give me a few minutes, and i'll be back." Elizabeth went upstairs to get Michael.

"hey gorgeous boy." Elizabeth bent down to pick up the tired toddler. "let's go see what your brother is doing." she smiled as she went back downstairs to see Henry icing the cookies with... Derek.

𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚍𝚎 - 𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚔 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now