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Today was the day that Elizabeth was walked down the isle by her father

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Today was the day that Elizabeth was walked down the isle by her father. And she was nervous, there was no denying that. Elizabeth was now mother to a six month old Hank, and her and Derek were living life.

"you look beautiful." she turned around to see Rossi standing in the doorway with JJ, Garcia and Emily standing behind him, agreeing with his statement. "if he doesn't cry... i will." the mother of two joked as she helped Elizabeth into her heels, as the maid of honour.

Elizabeth smiled as she stood up straight, and gave everyone a thumbs up to say she was ready. "let's do this!" Rossi cheered as the five of them got into the limo that her father had rented for the special occasion.

"you went all out, sir." Garcia's eyes widen at the sight inside the limo.
"my daughter is getting married, i had to go all out." Rossi defended his actions for at least spending $100 on a limo.

The ride from the hotel to the church took thirty minutes and by each inch they got closer, Elizabeth was getting more nervous. "you are going to be fine." Emily smiled as she watched her friend's behaviour as they got closer to the church where she was getting married to her best friend.

"i hope so. Don't let me trip, dad." she looked over at her father who just shrugged.
"dad!" Elizabeth groaned as the rest laughed at her antics.

The five FBI agents arrived at the church, and Rossi placed his hand out to let his daughter grab it, and she took in a deep breath. "good luck, mamma." JJ smiled as the three females left them to stand at the end of the alter. "hey you three." Hotch smiled when he saw the three agents walking down.

"how is she?" Derek asked.
"nervous. what is to be expected." Emily told the groom.

Derek smiled and searched the crowd for his mother who was on Hank duty, and he saw his son gurgling with his grandmother laughing at his actions. "he is getting so big." Garcia smiled at her unofficial nephew who smiled when he locked eyes with her.

Little did they know that Derek and Elizabeth would be announcing who the godparents would be. They didn't give anyone the title as they hadn't thought about it, but now they have. And they were happy with their choices.

"it's starting!" Penelope squealed as all turned when they heard the massive doors open.

Elizabeth and Rossi stood at the end, with smiles on their faces as they started the walk down the isle towards the alter. "wow." Derek muttered as his eyes grew as he watched his future wife walking towards him, with a smile directed straight at him.

Once they reached the alter, Derek helped Elizabeth onto the small step and her father bent down to kiss her on the cheek before sitting down next to her mother. "she's beautiful." Ivy muttered over to David who nodded in agreement.

"you look absolutely gorgeous." Derek took Elizabeth's hands.
"you look very dashing." Elizabeth squeezed his hands.

The two smiled at the priest who was officiating the wedding and he smiled back. "we are hear together to celebrate the wedding of Derek Morgan and Elizabeth Hunters." the Priest started the words which will link the two together forever.

"do you Derek Morgan take Elizabeth Hunters to be your wife, in sickness and in health and for better or for worse." The priest looked towards Derek.

"i do." he slid the wedding band onto Elizabeth's right ring finger.

"do you Elizabeth Hunters take Derek Morgan to be your husband, in sickness and in health, and for better or for worse." the priest turned his attention to Elizabeth.

"i do." she slid the wedding band onto Derek's right ring finger.

The priest smiled and let out a breath, "with the power invested in me! i now pronounce Derek and Elizabeth as husband and wife!" everyone stood up and started clapping for the happy couple. "you may now kiss the bride!" he finished as the now married couple lent towards each other and their lips met.

The couple walked down the isle, and smiled towards all their guests who attended their wedding. "hi baby." Elizabeth smiled when she reached Derek's mum and their son. "you look so handsome in that little suit." She picked up Hank and gave him a kiss on the nose.

"he looks like his father." Derek's mum, Fran, smiled when Elizabeth handed Hank over to Derek.
"he does, the chubby cheeks." the now Morgan family member laughed when Derek acted offended.

Derek and Elizabeth thanked everyone for coming, and they were off to the reception area that Rossi had paid for. "he definitely went all out." Elizabeth laughed as the two walked in and started to greet others who had shown up to congratulate them on their wedding.

The time had come for the father and daughter dance, and Elizabeth met Rossi on the dance floor and the song 'dance with my father' came on, and the two just swung to the best of the slowed song. "you are an excellent person, mi amor." her father whispered into her ear as Elizabeth smiled into his chest.

"thank you, papi." she muttered as she looked up at him and he smiled back down.

The song finished and the newly weds had their dance, which everyone loved as it showed the love the two had for each other.

Then it was time to leave for the one week honeymoon.

"be a good boy for grandpa." Elizabeth handed Hank over to David who smiled at his grandson.

"i love you." Derek pulled her in.
"and i love you." Elizabeth kissed him.

"family and friends come like the wind but also leave like a storm. When you have them, don't let them go." - By the Author.

A/N - this is a one shot of their wedding jazz626 hope you guys enjoy! the sequel will be out soon!

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