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Elizabeth stared out of the window to see her stepfather pulling up on the driveway, she had just turned five but he wasn't there when she woke up to open her gifts

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Elizabeth stared out of the window to see her stepfather pulling up on the driveway, she had just turned five but he wasn't there when she woke up to open her gifts.

"hey pumpkin!" Colin smiled from behind his stepdaughter, "where were you?" she shrieked as she turned around, a glare plastered on her young face.

"i had work sweetie." Colin responded.

Elizabeth sighed as she jumped off the chair before waddling into the kitchen to find her mother, Ivy, making a cup of tea. "he's back." the stubborn Elizabeth told her mother as she climbed onto one of the bar stools.

Ivy faced her daughter and the mother gave a disappointing look. "stop with the attitude." she warned her daughter. "sorry." Elizabeth muttered under her breath.

Colin came into the kitchen but the smell was the first thing that caught Ivy's nose and attention, he had been drinking again. "hey honey." Colin came around the island to give his wife a longing hug and kiss.

Elizabeth shot up from her slumber as she swiped the sweat off her forehead. "mmm." Elizabeth looked over to see Derek turning around in his sleep, but when he moved his arms to wrap them around Elizabeth, he had found an empty space.

"Elizabeth?" the voice of her boyfriend broke her away from staring out of the window. "hey." she whispered as she crawled back onto the bed and into the arms of her concerned partner.

Elizabeth snuggled into his chest as he twirled a strand of her hair, "what's up?" Derek asked as he had wondered why she had been staring out of the window at four in the morning.

"i couldn't sleep." she muttered her response.

The pair slowly drifted back to sleep as they had work in the morning. Before they knew, their alarms were going off, indicating it was now seven in the morning. "wake up." Elizabeth's voice sounded strained as she a dry mouth.

Elizabeth had to drag herself out of the bed to get in the shower and into her work clothes for the day. "do we have to go in?" she moaned to her boyfriend who was tying up his shoes. "yes we do." Derek chuckled at the state his girlfriend was in.

The couple forced themselves into Derek's truck and forced themselves into the elevator of the FBI headquarters. "can't turn back now." Elizabeth turned her head to face the grinning face of her boyfriend.

"grow up, Liz." he rubbed her shoulder before the pair exited the elevator together, him holding the door open to let his girlfriend walk through first.

Elizabeth smiled in thanks as she walked over to her desk, which she saw JJ was at hers. "good morning you two." the mother of two smiled at the couple who held two different expressions... one held a smile and the other one didn't.

"no no, it's way too early!" Elizabeth chucked herself into her desk chair and her head instantly found the coolness of the desk. "she's tired." Derek defended his girlfriend's actions before deciding to head to his office to settle in.

𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚍𝚎 - 𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚔 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now