Chapter 6

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Drew was awoken from his place asleep on the desk by a scrunched up ball of paper making contact with his head.

He looked up to see the personal tormentor, Zac, of Drew and his Timid.The jerk pointed towards the paper with a smug look on his face.

With a sigh, Drew picked up the paper and unfolded it to reveal a drawing of what appeared to be Drew and Shane doing inappropriate things. The artwork annoyed Drew but it was hard not to laugh at the fact Zac had a pretty good knowledge of how gay sex worked.

Drew felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to Shane giving him a questioning look. Shane rolled his eyes at the drawing as Drew showed it to him.

Thankfully, before any more terrible drawings were thrown, the bell for lunch went off.

The Timids lingered when putting work away and left last as usual. They headed for their usual position outside by a large willow tree.

Usually Shane and Drew got their first but it seems Keveridge had already beaten them to it.

The couple were hidden behided the long branches but Drew could easily see what they were doing. Kier was on Laurence's lap, straddling him, while the two had another make out session.

"I do not think that is very suitable for school, Mr Kemp and Mr Beveridge" Drew laughed while join the two behind the branches, followed by Shane.

Kier slowly seperated himself from his boyfriend's lips teasingly, "Maybe if you two dated, you'd understand why I just cant leave him alone."

"Have you two ever considered going on a date to see how it turned out?" Laurence asked curiously.

"Why would we ever do that?" Drew asked, trying not to reveal how he actually felt about the idea.

There was silence amongst the four until Kier spoke up, "If you two go on a date tomorrow I'll give you both twenty quid."

Shane shrugged his shoulders, "Fine, but nothing is likely to come of it, you know. Right, Wooly?"

Drew nodded, trying to keep a straight face but was freaking out internally."Uh, yeah, sure. I guess it's date night for us then tomrrow."

Keveridge grinned and Laurence stole a quick kiss from Kier.

Drew laughed at Kier,"I swear you just want to make sure us Timids are gone the same night Luke's with his girlfriend so you can do naughty things to Laurence on your couch without being caught."

Kier's face turned the same colour as his fringe, "That was not my plan!" He cuddled into his boyfriend muttering,"I plan to do naughty things in my bed actually."

Laurence turned red as a tomato in embarassment, "Just shush, Kemp."

Author's Note
This is just so much fun to write, even though i'm hale asleep right now

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