Chapter 13

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Mondays were definately Laurence's least favourite day. Not only did he have to go to school but the first two lessons, geography and maths, were without Kier.

Geography was dull as usual and he had try his best not to fall asleep as the teacher droned on. Laurence was supposed to take notes but only ended up doodling Kier's name in various styles all over the lined peace of paper he was given. By the time the bell went the paper was full.

Laurence got up from his seat and swung his Green Day bag over his shoulder after shoving all his equipment in it. He headed out the door, avoiding eye contact with everyone as usual, all he cared about was getting to maths before the jerks got to him first.

Laurence weaved through the crowd of people heading to their next classes as he stared at his feet. Unfortunately, Laurence collided with someone. The impact caused Laurence to fall back onto the floor; Laurence was a tall guy so whoever he walked into was bigger and he was in trouble.

"Watch where you're going, faggot." The voice of the group's usual tormentor, Zac, spat at him.

"Sorry..." Laurence muttered as he picked himself up from the floor, re adjusting his bag before attempting to walk around Zac in the now empty hallway.

"Oi!" Zac gripped the back of Laurence's shirt collar and yanked him back roughly, "I didn't hear ya say sorry."

"S-sorry." He tried to respond louder but the collar was pressing against his throat.

Zac suddenly pushed Laurence into the lockers causing the ebony haired boy to smack his head painfully against the metal. As he tried to move back, Laurence's face was pressed against the locker door as Zac held him in place. "Keep your fat ugly faggot ass out my way cause if it happens again both you and Kemp will get a beatin'. Got it?"

All Laurence could make himself do was nod. Zac stepped away and headed off down the corridor to whatever lesson the jerk had next.

A throbbing pain pulsed through Laurence's lip, he raised his fingers to it and pulled them back to reveal blood. He must of caught his lip on the lock when his face was forced into the locker door.

Sighing, he set course for the toilets. He was not in the mood to be questioned about turning up to maths with a split lip, it wasn't like he was any good at maths anyway, he was always better at English.

Once he had entered the bathroom, he dumped his bag on the floor and looked in the mirror to examine himself, Zac's words floating around his mind.

Zac was right, he thought, he was ugly. Greasy dark hair, chubby face, pale sickly skin, now swelling and bleeding lip. He found it harder to think why Kier would be attracted to this. Laurence just watched himself as tears swelled in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks.

"Laurence?" Immediately, Laurence spun round to the voice that came from the doorway to find Kier with a worried expression plastering his face. He came over to Laurence, cupping his face carefully with his smooth hands, "What happened, love?"

Laurence sniffled and wiped his eyes with his sleeves, "N-nothing, I'm fine.."

"Clearly something happened, Laur, tell me what happened." Kier grabbed a bunch of tissue then lightly dabbed the blood from Laurence's lip.

"He threw me into a locker, calling me fat ugly faggot..." Laurence looked down to the ground as he spoke quietly.

Kier tilted Laurence's head up to look at his eyes, "Who did?"

"Zac... As usual." Laurence sniffled as he spoke quietly and the look on Kier's face turned angry.

"I've fucking had it with him! Come on." Kier gripped Laurence's hand who just about managed to grab his bag before he was dragged out the bathroom and down the hall.

"Where are we going, Kier?" Laurence tried to ask.

"You'll see." Was all he replied.

It wasn't long until we were outside history and through the door they could see Zac scribbling on a scrap of paper. Before Laurence could say anything, Kier flung open the door and marched in, surprising the teacher and a majority of students. Kier stood right next to Zac's desk.

"What do you want, Kemp?" Zac asked, smirking.

"I want you to leave my boyfriend and my friends the fuck alone. You've pushed us around for far too long and I can not be bothered to deal with your shit anymore." Kier demmanded.

"And if I don't?" Zac challenged.

"I'll keep doing this." In a moment Kier's fist was connecting with Zac's face with a crunch and Laurence was shocked as the smaller man's blow was hard enough to send Zac falling back to the floor.

Kier walked back over to Laurence with everyone staring after him. He gripped his boyfriend's hand and left the classroom, ignoring the teacher who tried to call him back. They walked quickly down the corridor before walking out the school doors. As soon as they were outside they looked at eachother then burst out laughing.

"That was amazing! You can hit harder than I thought." Laurence laughed, grinning ear to ear.

"My hand really kills now though, by the way." Kier giggled, shaking his hand in hope the pain would go away.

"Aww, poor Kempy." Laurence caught Kier's hand and kissed his reddening knuckles. "Thank you for that though, Kier. It means a lot..."

"I love you, remember? We have to protect those we love from bullies like him." Kier said honestly, smiling up at Laurence. "Plus he hurt your pretty face which is definately worth punching for."

Laurence's cheeks flushed bright red but he pushed aside his embarressment and leant down, kissing Kier, ignoring the pain his lip.

When they pulled back, Kier's usual cheeky grin was back in place, "Wanna skip school and deal with the mess we've already made today tomorrow. We could go hang out at my place. Mum wouldn't mind as long as I explain what happened."

Laurence nodded and wrapped a arm around Kier's shoulders as they began walking away from school. "Going to yours sounds like a good idea to me."

Kier immediately leant into the taller boy's side, wrapping a arm around his waist, fitting perfectly.

Author's Note:
I got bored so I thought I'd write another chapter of this as it is quick and fun to write. A bit of keveridge for you all

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