Chapter 11

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"Kier, I'm making breakfast, well more like lunch now. Get your butt down here!" Laurence called up the stairs from the kitchen as he served pancakes onto a plate.

Kier came in stretching his limbs, only wearing a t-shirt and his boxes while Laurence stood in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Kier immediately came up behind Laurence, wrapping his arms around the taller boy's waist, "What you make, Bevers?"

Laurence glanced over his shoulder, smiling softly, "I made you pancakes."

"What about you though?"  Kier asked.

Laurence shook his head and turned, handing Kier the plate of pancakes, "I'm not hungry." He then looked down, trying not to catch Kier's eyes as he knew the shorter boy would know what was going.

Unfortunately, Kier knew exactly what was going on and he hated it. Kier's face then fell into a frown, "You have to eat something, Laur. You can't keep doing this to yourself."

For years the two had been pushed around for various reasons and they still were. The two had been mainly called emos, freaks and gay (although, the last one is true now) but Laurence would sometimes get a joke about weight thrown his way and Kier knew how much it hurt his boyfriend, even if he refused to show it.

Laurence chewed his lip nervously, "But if I keep eating I'll get even fatter than I already am..."

Kier immediately threw himself forward into Laurence, wrapping his arms succurely around him in a hug. "You're not fat, Bevers. You never were and never will be."

Laurence hugged Kier back, burying his face in Kier's hair, "Everyone at school says I am though. They tell me how fat and ugly I am when you're not around, how they're surprised that anyone would want to date me."

A soft sobs escaped Laurence's lips, making Kier pull back and then cup Laurence's face as he wiped the few tears with his thumbs.

"You can't listen to what they say because none of it is true. You, Laurence Beveridge, are the most perfect being I've ever met." Kier made sure that Laurence was actually looking at him, seeing the truth that Kier was trying to show him. Kier carried on, "You're smart, caring, funny, talent and frankly the best boyfriend I could of hoped for."

The small smile but kind smile on Laurence's lips gave Kier hope that he understood so he leant up and planted a short sweet kiss on his lips. "Now come share these pancakes with me, Beveridge."

"Let's get these damn pancakes over with then." Laurence laughed lightly while grabbing forks for them both.

He joined Kier who was now sat at the table and the couple than began digging into their pancakes. It didn't take long for the pair to finish the plate as it was supposed to be only for one person but they were happy enough.

"What do you think about starting a band?" Kier asked randomly.

Laurence shrugged and got up to put the plate in the sink, "I don't know. Why do you ask?"

Kier got out of his seat and instead sat on the counter so he was just a bit taller than Laurence. "We've been writing songs for years now anyway, so why not try a band."

Laurence stood in front of Kier, resting his large hands on Kier's thighs, "You can't have a band with only two people though."

Kier shrugged, "We could get the Timids and Luke to join as well."

"If you could get them to agree, what would everyone do?" Laurence asked curiously.

"Luke could play drums, Shane on lead guitar, Drew could do bass, I'll happily be guitar as well and you could be front man."

Laurence frowned, "Why me as front man, I can't sing but you can. I'll be better off with guitar."

Kier sighed and kissed Laurence's nose playfully, " You're an amazing vocalist. But if your awkward about it, we could both be vocalists and guitarists."

Laurence shook his head lightly, smirking, "You just won't let me win this one, will you?"

"Come on, Bevers, it will be fun!"

Laurence excepted defeat and smiled at his now madly grinning boyfriend, "Fine. But we still got to ask the others first, you know."

Author's Note:
I kinda made myself a little sad when writing this but oh well.

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