Chapter 10

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Shane had walked Drew home when they had finished their picnic in the park. However, the date was not over for them as Drew had pulled Shane inside and the pair sat watching movies on the sofa until they eventually fell asleep.

So when Drew woke the next morning, he was laying on top of Shane with his head on his Timid's chest.

He was a bit confused at first but then he remembered how they kissed in the park the night before which made a smile stretch his lips.

Drew crawled off his Timid, careful not to wake him up, then headed to the hall with his phone in hand.

He leant against the wall and dialled Kier's number, it was 11 in the morning so he should be awake. It was a couple of rings before he picked up.

"You don't half pick your times, Wool- Laurence. You're making it hard to concerntrate!" Kier gasped and Drew heard giggles in the background. God knows what they were doing.

"Is this a bad time?" Drew asked. He hoped it wasn't, he wanted to tell Kier about his and Shane's date.

There was muttering on the other end and the sound of a door opening and closing before Kier spoke, "No, it's fine. I sent Beveridge on a mission for coffee. Have you ever noticed what a nice butt that man has? Because I certainly have."

"Er, no, I haven't. I don't make it my job to watch Laurence's every move like you do Kier."

"Oh yeah, you watch Shane's butt."

Drew blushed furiously and stuttered down the phone, "I do not watch Shane's butt."

Kier's laughter was clear, "Sure you don't. How'd your date go by the way? What did you do?"

Drew found himself blushing again, "We had a picnic in the park, talked for a while and we kissed."

"Awww, that's so cute! So, are you together then?"

"I don't know. I would ask him but he's currently asleep on the sofa. That's why I phoned you, to find out what you think. What are you doing now anyway, Kempy?"

"Laying in bed naked." Kier replied casually.

Drew was confused, "Isn't Laurence there though?"

"Yup. He's back now actually. Thanks for the coffee, Laur." There was the sound getting in a bed in the background behind Kier.

It took Drew longer than it should of to realise what the pair had done, "Wait, you two slept together? Wow, Keveridge is stronger than ever."

Kier sounded nervous when he replied, "Yeah, well, I love him, Drew."

Drew couldn't help but smile, even though Kier couldn't see him, "I'm really happy for you two, Kier. I'm gonna go so you can get back to Laurence."

"Remember to ask Shane where you stand in your relationship."

"Will do, Kempy. See you later."

Drew then hung up the phone and turned to enter the living room but only ended up walking into his Timid who was standing up in the doorway.

"Hi Wooly."

Drew felt his face heating up again and looked up at Shane nervously, Hey Shane. Um, I've got something to ask you. Do you want to, you know, be my boyfriend?"

Shane's face was hesitant for a moment which made Drew worried but then the classic large Shane grin made an appearance, "Alright, Woolsifer, I'll be your boyfriend."

Drew pulled his Timid down into a hug and enjoyed the feeling of Shane's arms around him. Drew hoped their relationship will be as perfect as Kier and Laurence's.

"Should we go tell Keveridge?" Shane asked.

Drew laughed, "Sure but definately not right now."

"Why not?"

Drew tried his best to reply without giggling but was failing badly, "Because Kier did and still is doing naughty things to Laurence in his bed."

The mixture of shock and embarrassment on Shane's face was absolutely priceless and Drew couldn't help but burst out laughing at it. His Timid was so adorable.

Author's Note:
I've done more writing than I normally would lately, I'm pleased with myself. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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