Chapter 14

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Kier and Laurence sat curled up together on the couch. Kier leant in, kissing his boyfriend sweetly, Laurence happily returning the kiss. The smaller red fringed boy pulled away with a few smaller kisses, "You sure you don't need ice on your lip, babe?"

Laurence smiled softly, brushing Kier's fringe from his face, "I'm fine thanks, Kee. I've had way worse."

"I know, Laur..." Sighing, Kier leant forward on Laurence, taking hold of Laurence's arm and running his fingers over the old scar lines on the inside of his wrist. "I still wish you had told me sooner about this at the time."

Laurence let his fringe fall over his face as he looked away, "You know I was scared...  But that was almost three months ago and I'm pretty sure that will be the last time, thanks to you..." He looked back at Kier with a smile twisting his lips.

"I love you, Laurence. Please don't ever leave my side." Kier whispered, sliding his still sore hand behind Laurence's neck.

"Only if you don't leave my side" Laurence grinned in reply before being pulled forward into a kiss.

They pressed their lips together, moving in sync. Kier pushed himself forward pressing closer to his boyfriend. They continued to kiss until Laurence hissed and had to pull away.

Kier laughed, "Ice?"

Laurence nodded in reply, "Ice."

After ruffling Laurence's hair, Kier climbed off him and headed off to the kitchen. He returned a minute later with some ice cubes wrapped in a cloth.

Kier took up his position of straddling Laurence's lap and pressed the ice to his boyfriend's lip. "That better, Bevers?"

Laurence nodded in reply and took the ice from Kier, pressing it to his lip himself, "What would my life be without you, Kempy?" He joked.

Kier looped his arms around the larger boy's neck, "I wouldn't be able to save you from all the trouble you attract." His lips then turned into a cheeky grin as he leant closer, "There would also be a lot less fun in the bedroom, which would be a big thing missing from my life too."

Laurence rolled his eyes and removed the ice from his lip, "For an almost 17 year old you have a hell of a sex drive. Thank god for legal age being 16 here cause if it was like America, you would be screwed."

"So would you." Kier smirked in reply, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Behave, Kempy." Laughing, Laurence dumped the ice from the cloth down the inside of Kier's t-shirt, making him squeal and jump up from the sofa.

Kier peeled off his shirt and brushed off the remaining ice as quickly as he could before scowling at his boyfriend, "That was mean, Bevers."

"Aww, sorry, Kempy. How can I ever make it up to you?" Laurence asked teasingly but couldn't help but laugh at the pouting boy in front of him.

"Hug?" Kier suggested timidly and was greeted by Laurence opening his arms for him which Kier gladly went over to, enjoying the warmth Laurence provided.

Author's Note: Yeah, I know it's another keveridge chapter but it is more of a filler

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