Chapter 15

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Shane tapped his fingers impatiently on the scratched desk surface as he watched the second hand go round on the clock. He wanted the lesson to end so he could meet Drew outside English and so they could fetch there instruments from their hidden places in the music room (they didn't really want to walk to their houses so they just took the instruments to school).

As soon as the hand made its full circle, the bell rang for the end of the day. Shane quickly stuffed his books in his bag before rushing out the room first.

It was a two minute long walk across the length of the school to get to Drew and finally Shane spotted him waving a arm happily at him with the most adorable expression on his face.

"Hi Wooly" Shane smiled when he got to his Timid, "How was English?"

Drew gripped Shane's hand as they began walking towards the music room. "It was sooooo dull." He whined causing Shane to smile again. "There wasn't even Beveridge to help me with my work. Which is weird cause I swear he was here this morning.."

Shane frowned slightly, "That's a good point. I saw Kier pulling Laur down the hall with an angry look on his face, but I think it was angry at someone else." He pushed open the music room door before continuing to speak, "I haven't seen them since..."

Drew looked worried and he chewed his lip nervously, "Should I call one of them. You know, to see if they're okay?"

Shane nodded in reply and grabbed both his guitar and Drew's bass while Drew pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

"...Hello? Laur?" Drew asked and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey Wooly D, whats up?" Laur's voice sounded normal, maybe a little mumbled in places.

"I was wondering if you were okay. Shane and I haven't seen you and Kier all day."

"Shit.." Shane heard mumbled. "Sorry, we forgot to text you about it..."

"What happened?" Drew asked, just as confused as Shane was.

There was a sigh before a reply, "I may of been bullied by Zac, then Kier punched him really hard, and now we're in hiding at Kier's."

Drew's beautiful eyes widened, "How did we not notice all this drama?"

"Oh yeah," Laur's voice said through the phone again, "We're going to have to move the band thing forward a day cause my lip is swollen and Kier's hand is bruised."

"Oh, okay Laur. Be safe Keveridge, bye."

"Byyye." There was in reply before the call ended.

Shane handed Drew his bass, "I guess we have to find other plans now." Drew took the bass and smiled sweetly, making Shane's heart melt.

They left the room and strolled down the hall. "Movie night at mine?" Drew suggested, looking up hopefully at his boyfriend then grinning madly when he nodded.

Authors Note:
Sorry its been so long. First i had no interent, then i broke my phone and Im also dealing with exams rn. I know this is only a short chapter but its gone 1am and Im knackered. I'll try post a longer chapter tomorrow if i get the time

If I keep running with my eyes closed (Timids +Keveridge fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now