Chapter 12

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Drew recieved a text from Kier to meet him and Laurence at a cafè they hung out at occasionally so now Drew was skipping down the road, pulling along his Timid, happily.

"Keveridge say what they wanted when the texted you?" Shane asked curiously as they approached the cafè.

Drew shrugged and pushed open the door, "I don't know but will you buy me hot chocolate?" He looked up at Shane, trying his best to do a puppy dog face.

His Timid chuckled and lent down, planting a kiss on Drew's cheek, "I always buy you hot chocolate, wooly. You want cream and marshmellows on it like usual, I assume."

Drew grinned, "You know me so well."

Shane gestured to the back of the cafè, "Go find the others while I get us some drinks, okay?" Drew leant up on his toes to kiss Shane's cheek before skipping off. 

At the back of the cafè were the other three in their usual spots. Keveridge sat together on a leather sofa, well it was more Laurence sitting and Kier lying with his head on his boyfriend's lap, while Luke sat on a backwards chair.

"Hey guys!" Drew grinned and leapt onto the sofa opposite Keveridge who looked up and smiled.

"Where's your Timid, wooly?" Laurence asked while he played with Kier's fringe subconciously.

"He's getting me hot chocolate with marshmallows." Drew announced just as Shane came over, carefully carrying two mugs, one of which was piled with toppings. Shane placed the drinks on the coffee table between the two sofas then sat down next to Drew who automatically leant into the taller Timid's side.

An 'awwww' came from Kier as he clapped and almost giggled like a teenage girl, "You two are just too darn cute together."

Laurence leant down and whispered to Kier with a grin which resulted in Kier's cheeks turning a similar colour to his fringe.

Drew giggled at the couple as he picked up his drink, taking a large sip of the chocolate goodness. Shane began laughing and Drew looked at him confused.

"Hold on." He said as he glanced around for a napkin, grabbed one then cleaned off the creamy mustache on the smaller Timid. "That's better." Shane announced, seeming pleased with himself.

"Thanks." Drew smiled at his Timid before turning back to his drink and leaning even more into Shane's side as the taller boy wrapped and arm around his soldiers.

"So Keveridge, why have you summoned us here again?" Luke asked, finally looking up from his mobile phone.

Kier jumped up excitedly, settling into position on Laurence's lap, and clapped his hands together like a little kid. "You know how me and Beveridge have been writing songs a lot lately?" Everyone nodded and mumbled 'yes', Kier then continued, " We decided it would be really cool if we all started a band. What do you think?"

Luke immediately responded with a grin, "I'm in." Everyone knew that Luke loved playing the drums and had chatted about what it would be like if we had a band.

Drew also smiled widely, sugar rush beginning and mixing with excitement, "That would be so cool!"

"What about you, Shane?" Laurence asked, looking to the Timid who seemed unsure and bit his lip.

"I don't know," he mumbled, "I'm not sure if I'm good enough to be in a band yet..."

Drew frowned, "But you're amazing, Shane. You're always practising on your guitar. Trust me, you're definately good enough to be in a band."

Shane looked at Drew, biting his lip again, "Do you really mean that?"

Drew smiled sweetly, "Of course I mean it, silly." He leant forward giving Shane a quick kiss before cuddling up into his side again.

Shane looked to the other's and shrugged his shoulders, "I guess I'm in then."

"Awesome!" Kier bounced around happily as Laurence tried to hold him in place before Kier fell off his lap onto the floor.

"Where do you suggest we all do this then?" Laurence questioned.

"I don't really care. I have two drumsets so I could always load one in my van so that it could be left where ever we practise." Luke said.

Kier had calmed a little bit now as he spoke up again, "Well my basement isn't being used so we could always set up every thing in there."

Drew nodded at the suggestion, "Sounds like a good idea. What you think, Shaney?"

Shane mumbled a yes while drinking his coffee.

"It's settled then, we'll meet at Kier's. We can go over to his tomorrow after school and figure out this whole band thing." Laurence announced to the group.

Luke laughed, "That's fine as long as I don't turn up to find both Timids and Keveridge making out." All four of the others turned bright red in embarassment which made Luke laugh even more.

Author's Note:
I've been busy with school lately so it's taken me a while to actually get on wattpad and write something. But here's another chapter. For thise wondering about when I'll be updating my other keveridge fic, I'm working on another chapter now. Okay, Thanks for reading yet another chapter xxx

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