Chapter 4

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Shane woke up with a face full of sandy hair. Drew. Naturally, he wrapped his arms around the smaller man on his chest and held him closer.

"Mm... Shane?" He heard his Timid mumble.

"Yes, Drew?"

"Do we have to get up now?" He said, snuggling closer.

Shane glanced around Kier's living room until he spotted the clock then sighed, "Yeah, we've got school..."

Drew rolled off Shane onto the floor before standing up, seeming like what he just did was normal. Shane was a bit slower in getting up himself, mainly due to his headache though.

"Shaaaneeeey?" Drew said.

Shane ran a hand though his already messy bed head while yawning before replying, "What is it?"

"Will you make me coffee?"

"Can't you make it yourself?"

"Your coffee's better." Drew said, looking up at Shane with puppy dog eyes. Drew was perfectly able to make it himself but Shane just smiled and nodded sleepily in agreement.

A grin spread on Drew's face and he pulled Shane towards the kitchen but ended up pausing in the doorway.

Kier and Laurence were already awake, clearly having a much comfier sleep, and Shane could only describe them as being adorable.

Kier was sitting on the kitchen counter so he was just a bit taller than Laurence who was standing infront of him. The two had their arms around eachother and were clearly in their own little world, stealing light little kisses from eachother when they thought the other wasn't paying attention.

Shane glanced at Drew who was also watching. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if they were in a relationship. Would they act the same? Would everything be different?

He was snapped out of his daydreaming by Drew frantically waving a hand in front of his face, "Shane? You okay?"

He nodded in reply, a blush brightening his cheeks. Wait. Why was he blushing about thinking about Drew?  Why was even thinking about relationships? He blamed keveridge and their cuteness for these thoughts.

Author's Note:
Timids are so cute! Anyway, hope you like this chapter

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