Chapter 5

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The daily walk to school was a peaceful one. Luke had decided to go home and shower first so that left Drew, Shane,Kier and Laurence. Drew walked along next to Shane and behind Keveridge. He loved the fact he could call them Keveridge for real now.

Drew couldn't help but watch the two while chewing on a giant chocolate chip cookie Shane had bought him. Laurence was holding Kier's hand as the smaller teen skipped along next to him, both had massive grins on their faces.

But Drew was getting confused. He and Shane held hands a lot, but why was it so different for Keveridge? Keveridge had held hands before their relationship but they weren't the same; it looked more special and personal now.

Shane yawned next to him then grimanced. Drew smiled at the sleepy, hungover, and adorable (not like Drew would admit it to Shane) Timid, "You should of made the coffee?"

"You know perfectly well that I couldn't as Laurence and Kier had moved onto making out on the kitchen counter." Drew giggled at Shane's reply.

Kier looked back at them with a smirk, "Well soooorry for enjoying my gorgeous boyfriend before going to the hell hole, also known as school." Laurence's cheeks flared up a colour similar to Kier's fringe at his remark.

"You know you two are going to get some crap for being together from the jerks, right?" Shane asked.

Kier shrugged his shoulders, "We've all been getting crap from those idiots for years; I don't see this as changing much." Laurence gave his boyfriend a small smile, clearly pleased with his answer.

"Fair enough." Shane responded with a smile to the two before looking down at Drew with a surprised expression, " You've already finished that cookie? But it was massive."

Sugar rush already kicking in, Drew bounced up and down as he walked, "But it was such a good cookie, Shaney!" He moved behind Shane then jumped onto his back, "Will you carry me to school?"

Shane laughed and gripped Drew's legs to keep him in place, "I don't think I have much of a choice, do I?"

"What are you to doing back there?" Kier asked before glancing back at the Timids. He noticed Shane carrying Drew and grinned, "That looks like so much fun!" He then looked up at his boyfriend, hoping puppy dog eyes would convince him.

Rolling his eyes, Laurence stopped walking, "Fine."

A smile broke out on Kier's face before he jumped onto Laurence's back who immediately reacted to hold him in place.

The rest of the walk to school consisted of Shane and Laurence racing while the other two cheered them on from their backs.

"Victory!" Kier shouted as they got to the school's doors briefly before Drew and Shane.

"Aw that's not fair! Laurence is taller than us so he has longer legs!" Drew declared while getting off Shane's back.

Laurence grinned happily, "Stop making excuses, Wooly." He then took Kier's hand once the shorter boy had got off him before heading into school. Drew just noticed Kier pulling Laurence down for a kiss, earning shocked expressions from other students, basically annoucing they were together to the whole school confidently.

Drew wished he had someone close to him like that, the only person who was anywhere near that close was his Timid. He used to sort of have a crush on Shane but he knew nothing would come of it so he just pushed the thoughts down. He still wondered what Shane might of said if Drew had the courage to ask him out; maybe he would ask one day.

Until then, he gripped Shane's wrist and pulled him happily into the school after Kier and Laurence.

Author's Note:
I woke up this morning with nothing to do so I thought what the hell and wrote this cute and fun chapter. So enjoy!

If I keep running with my eyes closed (Timids +Keveridge fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now